Last Day

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"This is our last time going to the same school," Stiles says as we made our way through the front doors. "No more teasing each other between periods or me gagging when I see you and Scott making out against the lockers."

"I'm gonna miss that the most."

"Of course you are."

"You're telling me you won't miss Lydia ambushing you in the hallway and dragging you into the coach's office."

Stiles gets a dreamy look. "I do love those moments."

I laugh and see Scott and Lydia waiting for us down the hall.

"We're so lucky," Stiles says. I smile and Scott gestures me over with his head just as Lydia starts walking toward us. "Go ahead. Run into his arms. I know you want to."

I did and Scott lifted me and spun us around. I saw cameras flashing from the side of my eye but I didn't care. Scott put me down and kissed me with so much passion that I don't even know how I managed to pull away.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you too."

Cora walks over and I hug her tightly. "We're going to have so much fun together."

Scott gets a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Cora, Lydia, and I are gonna be roommates at Harvard. Lydia put in a special request and they put all three of us in a dorm."

"Isn't there only supposed to be two to a dorm?"

Cora shakes her head. "Some dorm halls have three to a dorm."

Scott smiles. "Ok. Well, you three should have a great time together."

Cora punches Scott's shoulder jokingly. "Don't worry. I'll keep the other guys away from her."

"Thanks Cora. Mind if I steal her away so I can walk her to class?"

"She's all yours." Cora pats my shoulder gently. "If you happen to miss first period, I'll cover and say you weren't feeling very well."

"Thanks Cora."

Scott held my hand as we made our way through the halls.

"So, this will be the last time I get to walk you to your classes."

"I'm gonna miss you so much. It'll be so weird not having you a few minutes away."

He kisses my hand. "We'll make it work."

"What are you doing first period?"

"I have a free so I'm gonna go to the gym and lift some weights."

I sigh. "It sucks that we don't have any periods together until after lunch."

"We'll have the whole summer together. Don't worry."

I sigh. "I can't wait till we go to my families estate in France. We'll have the whole place to ourselves and we can do whatever we want."

Scott kisses my forehead. "You're going to show me all of your favorite places to hangout."

I pull him into a kiss. "I'm also gonna show you my bedroom. The bed is so big, I think we might have to spend a lot of time exploring it."

He laughs and says "I love you Allison Argent."

"And I love you Scott McCall."
Just a short chapter because I didn't want to not post. Still dealing with things. Thank you all for your support and love. Means a lot to me.
- Lexi

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