I Can't

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Cora and I were sitting in my living room. The door bell rang and I jumped up.

"Scott and Lydia must be here."

When I opened the door, Isaac was there.

"Can we talk? Please?"

I shake my head. "I can't Isaac."

"Please? I just, what's wrong with me? Why is it that every girl I fall for falls for someone else? I've liked two girls in my entire life and I lost them both to the same guy."

I stopped. "To Scott?"

"Cora Hale. She's the girl I was trying to get over when I found you. She, she told me she had someone at a lacrosse camp. I figured out today that it was Scott. What, what does he do that drives you both so crazy for him?"

"He's just Scott. I've known him my whole life. I've always felt safe and special with him."

"What about Cora? She knew him for not even a month and she fell for him. I'd been trying to make her fall for me for years. How come you both chose him?"

"I love him. I'll always choose him over any other guy."

Isaac turns and starts to walk away. "I was so happy when I thought you chose me."

Scott and Lydia came not too long after.

"Hey," Lydia says. She gestures to me and Scott. "I'll leave you two alone."

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

"Hey handsome."

Scott kisses my forehead. "Have I told you that I love you lately?"

"Not since you texted me five minutes ago."

"That's far too long a time. I love you."

I laugh. "I love you too."

After hours of the five of us hanging out, Stiles and Lydia left to go see a movie since it was nine at night now. Cora stood up slowly after them.

"I'll give you two some alone time." She gave me a hug and then gives Scott one. "I'll see you guys soon." She then left.

"Finally," I say. "We're alone."

Scott laughs. "What now?"

"Now we go up to my room and you cuddle me for the rest of the night."

"I like cuddling. Cuddling sounds nice."

I nod. "It is. Let's go."

Scott stayed standing as I catapulted onto the bed. I look up at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know how you want me. I mean like what position to cuddle?"

"Just come lay down."

Scott does and I curl into his neck.

"You feel so cold," he says as he pulls me closer. "You feeling alright?"

"Ive just been really tired lately. And I've been feeling cold at times. But mostly it's just that my muscles ache."

"The flu has been going around. You probably caught it." He kisses my forehead. "I'll take care of you."

"You always do."

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