It's Like A Different World

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I was in my room, the morning before school starts again. The last day of summer. I pick up my phone and dial the Martin-McCall house phone. You've reached the Martin-McCall household. So if you're looking for anyone other than a member of the Martin or McCall family, you are calling the wrong number. If not, you're at the right place so leave a message after the beep. One of us will get back to you if we care enough about what you're saying," Lydia's voice says. I hang up and slump into bed. 

"Can I come in," Stiles asks.

"Not unless you're here to end my miserable existence."

"Sorry sis, that's not my job." He sits down beside me. "You still haven't heard from him?"

"I haven't heard from any of them. It's like I'm dead to them. Could my life get any worse?"

"Well, you could've been pregnant right now, but you're not. Mom and dad could've known that you had a pregnancy scare, but they don't."

"What's gonna happen at school tomorrow? Is Lydia gonna talk to me or is she gonna go back to throwing paint on me and tormenting me?" I turn to Stiles. "Is Melissa ever gonna wanna treat me again? She's always been my go to nurse. Is she just gonna turn me away? Is Mr. Martin gonna wage a war against dad's company because of me?"

"You haven't mentioned Scott."

"I don't want to. I'm thinking of being homeschooled from now on. That way I don't have to face him."

"Ally, you can't go through life like that."

"Yeah, I can." I blink rapidly to fight my tears. "You didn't see his face. He's, he's never look at anyone with that much disgust, not even Jackson. No matter what I said, he still wouldn't look at me. He didn't answer my calls or texts."

"Ally, he came home and went to see his mom. He found his mom holding his girlfriends pregnancy results. I hate to break it to you, but I wouldn't be responding to said girlfriend either."

"I just wanna go back to when we were in the seventh grade. I'd have Scott and Lydia. Scott would have a crush on me and I have one on him. He'd still look at me like I hung the moon. Instead I'm never gonna forget Scott looking at me like I was the most disgusting person to ever walk the planet."

Stiles sighs. "Well, if they stop talking to you again. This time I'm behind you one hundred percent. I won't chase Lydia. I won't blame you. I'm in your corner."

"Stiles, you finally got the girl of your dreams. I can't make you stop talking to her, actually I won't let you stop talking to her. Just because I'm not getting the future I've always dreamed about doesn't mean that you can't. You deserve to be happy."

"So do you. I think Scott and you can work through this. You two can get through anything. And I know you two will talk soon."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because he's downstairs sitting on the front steps."

I rush to my window and see exactly that. He had his heels rested on the floor and he was leaning back on his forearms.

"Don't worry. The only weapon he has is his smile." Stiles says.

I sigh and say "I doubt I'll be seeing that."


Scott stands when he sees me. Neither of us were smiling. He barely looked at me as we walked around town.

"Do you wanna go to the lookout point," I asked after ten minutes of us walking around town in silence.

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