Here and Now

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I was in History, bored out of my mind. Scott was all the way across the room from me. He wore a black t-shirt that was so tight that it was practically a second layer of skin. I  couldn't help but bite my lower lip. It was all I could do to not stand and drag him out of the room. I wanted to though. I really wanted to.

Scott stretched which caused his muscles to flex. His biceps stood out the most but I couldn't help but look at his six pack. You could see it so clearly through the shirt. I'm not even sure how he managed to put it on. I could just imagine cutting it off. Or Scott wanting me so badly that he ripped it off. I wanted the bell to ring so badly. I couldn't stand him being so far away. I need him pressed against me. I need to run my hands over every inch of muscle.

The bell rang and I had never felt so happy in my life. I rushed to the door and Scott was waiting for me, ready to walk to our next class. It was last period but I couldn't sit through Mr. Harris shouting and I needed to feel Scott. I took his hand and lead him to the old chemistry lab that hadn't been used in years.

"Allison, we're gonna be late for class."

"Let's be later," as I kissed down his neck. "I want you so badly."

He moans. "Ally, we could get caught."

I locked both doors and threw the blinds of the windows. I hopped onto one of the tables and undid two buttons from my red blouse, just enough so he could see my black lacy bra.

"I want you right here. Right now." I bite my lower lip. "Don't you want me? Don't you wanna feel every inch of my skin?"

He let out a groan. He slowly walked toward me and when he got close enough, he carefully undid the rest of the buttons. His warm hands went to my sides and I tilted my head forward so I could kiss his neck.

"Wait," Scott said quickly as he removed his hands. "We can't. I don't have a condom."

I sucked on that sweet spot just below his ear that always drove him crazy. "I've got it covered." I pulled out the wrapped condom and bit his lower lip. "Stop worrying. Just relax and enjoy it."

Scott's phone rings so I hit speaker.

"Where are you," Lydia whisper shouted. "Class is about to start. You can't miss a class."

I kiss his neck. "He's gonna be late."

"Ew. I didn't need to hear that." She hangs up.

"We should really go to class. We could get in trouble."

I kiss him quickly. "I think it'd be worth it."

Scott chuckles. "You are gonna get me in so much trouble."

He didn't question it anymore and he took off his shirt. Which he had some difficulty doing. When it was finally off I kissed down his chest slowly. Scott had slowly pushed me down onto the table and kissed down my stomach. I arched into his lips and he moved his hands to support me. It was nothing like my fantasies. It was way better.


I had finished getting dressed again and Scott was putting his shirt back on. He kisses my neck.

"That was amazing."

I turn and kiss him. "Yes it was."


Cora stopped by my house later today.

"I have great news," she said.

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