Celebration Continues

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Scott was asleep in his bed. His hands behind his head and the sheets on his hips, giving a perfect view of his six pack. I smile to myself and close his door behind me. I walk over to him and smile at his innocent face. I tilt down and kiss his cheek.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

"Five more minutes mom." I laugh as he flips onto his side so his body was turned toward men. He smiles in his sleep. "You're so beautiful Allison. So absolutely beautiful."

I smile and lean over him. "Wake up sleepyhead."

Scott kept that dreamy smile on and puckered his lips as if he was kissing someone instead of the air. I slowly lift the sheet and see the bulge in his black Calvin Klein boxers. I muffle my laugh and kiss Scott full on the mouth this time. He moaned and I pulled away abruptly. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"I like how you wake me up now. Way better than how you used to when we were kids."

"You didn't like me hitting you with pillows or when I poured ice on you?"

"Not one bit. I love you waking me up with kisses though. I was just dreaming about you kissing me."

"Just kissing you?" I cup him through his boxers. "Because this says that something else might have been happening."

Scott squirms and says "I'm gonna go take a cold shower. You make yourself at home."

I shake my head. "You're not going anywhere until this is taken care of." I kiss his neck. "Do you really just wanna will it away when we could be doing something else?"

Scott gulps. "I have a meeting with Cora's parents for breakfast in half an hour. I need to be showered and well dressed if I'm gonna impress them. I can't be late."

I sigh and let go so he lets out a sigh of relief. I lay down beside him and sigh.

"You nervous for the meeting?"

Scott shakes his head. "No. Cora's gonna be there and I've spoken with them over the phone. They seem very nice and I look forward to meeting them." He rests his head on his hand. "What's wrong?"


"You have that adorable look on your face that you only get when you're unsure of something. What's on your mind?"

I shake my head. "It's stupid."

"If it's bothering you then it's not stupid. Tell me."

I sigh and look up at him. "Do you...do you miss dating Cora? Like do you miss kissing her and stuff?"

Scott's eyes widened. "No, I'm with you. Where did that come from?"

"It's just something that Isaac said to me when he came over that made me think of this." I cover my mouth when Scott gets a pissed off look.

Scott gets out of bed. "I'm gonna go shower. I think I'll head to Cora's early."

"Scott, it'll take you five minutes to shower and another five to get dressed. Your outfit is already picked out. Come back to bed. Please."

"The early bird gets the worm. It's better to show up early than to risk being even a minute late."

"Isaac isn't anything to me. He just keeps showing up. Scott, please come back to bed."

Scott shakes his head. "You can stay here if you want but I don't know how long the breakfast will be and Cora and I are going on a run afterwards so it would probably be better if you just went home."

Scott left in a red button down shirt and dark jeans. He had a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and he waved before leaving. No kiss. No hug. No words. Just a wave.


The front door opened two and a half hours later.

"Do you think I was too foreword," Scott asks.

Cora's voice says "They loved that you asserted yourself while discussing representation and where you're looking to play professionally when you do because you will. I'll make sure of it. Have you thought of any of the college offers yet?"

"I've looked at the offers but I kinda wanna know where Allison is going first because I feel like I couldn't go too long without seeing her but then I also have to think about where do I think I could play. Where could I see myself playing for the next four years? What coach is gonna challenge me and teach me more than I already know?"

"You like a challenge. I think that's what makes us such a great team. We both like challenges. When's your next doctors appointment?"

"Friday after school. Lydia has a date with Stiles so I told her I'd go alone."

"Why don't you bring Allison?"

"She's busy that day. She's going with her dad to visit some colleges. I knew asking her would put her in a weird spot so I didn't bother asking."

"If you want, I could come with you. I'll wait in the waiting room and then I'll drive you home."

"Really? You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all."

"That's great. Thanks Cora."

"It's no big deal. I'm gonna head to the gym."

"Call me if you want a ride home."

"I'll be fine. Thanks Scott. I'll see you tomorrow for another run?"

"I'll be up bright and early. Smoothie afterwards?"

"Sounds good. Bye."

"See ya later."

The door closed and I heard footsteps jogging up the stairs. He had on a pair of blue basketball shorts and nothing else.

"Hey," I said when he stepped into the room after a second of hesitation. "How was your run?"

"It was great."

"You can't seriously still be mad at me."

"Yeah, I can and I am still mad at you. Every time I see you or talk to you, Isaac is near you or you bring him up. I'm tired of not being the only guy in this relationship." He sighs. "You need to go. I'm going to the gym. Please don't be here when I get back."

He picked up his duffel bag and walks out. I went home, I had to. Scott looked so defeated so I couldn't stay, especially when he wanted me to leave. My phone buzzed a few hours later.

To: Allison
From: Scott
"We need to talk. Our spot at 8?"

To: Scott
From: Allison
"Sure. Everything ok?"

To: Allison
From: Scott
"Need to do this in person. Don't wanna be the guy that does this over the phone or through text."

He was gonna break up with me. Me and my stupid mouth. I've lost him yet again. Worst girlfriend of the year award goes to me.

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