All My Dreams

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Cora, Lydia, and I got along great as roommates. Lydia and Stiles frequently had phone sex which I was so happy I couldn't hear if I closed my door. Cora and Isaac had started to date after our graduation from Harvard which was not as awkward as Cora thought it would be. Scott came to my graduation and I went to his. He signed with the Los Angeles Riptides and Cora had made it all happen. Lydia had won a fields medal and had taken over her father's company. Stiles became one of the top detectives in Beacon Hills. And I took over my dad's company.

My parents had finally gotten divorced when I started my first year at Harvard. My mother got nothing out of the divorce and I haven't heard from her since. Currently, my dad, Mr. Martin, and Melissa are over for a barbecue at the house Scott and I own.

Stiles and Lydia are married and Lydia's six months pregnant with a baby girl. Stiles and her had been talking about having a kid for a long time and I'm so happy that they finally got it. Cora and Isaac are engaged. As for Scott and me, we have a 4 year old little girl Caitlyn, a 2 year old little boy Eric, and another little girl on the way. 

We got married two weeks after graduation and we conceived Caitlyn two months later. I got all my dreams. I married Scott. I had kids with him. And life couldn't be more perfect. My life is amazing and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

The End

This story has ended. I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you all for sticking around during my hiatus and for all your wonderful comments. I hope to start working on a new story soon. I love you all.
- Lexi

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