Locked In

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I was sitting on my bed blasting my music so I wouldn't hear the arguing downstairs. I could hear little pieces of the argument between the short interval between songs. it was mostly my mom shouting at my dad for him calling her out on her cheating. I kept typing on my laptop as the music played when I got a video chat request from Scott. I quickly accepted.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hey handsome."

"What ya doing?"

"I was drowning out the sounds of fighting but that was before you called."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. I like hearing your voice and seeing that smile of yours."

"How about you stop by and we can go to the movies and then out to dinner to take your mind off everything. You can pick the movie and the restaurant."

"You don't have to always take me out. We could stay in and order takeout and I don't always have to choose what we do."

"I want you happy and I like taking you out. I like you smiling and I like other guys knowing your mine."

"So I'm just a trophy to you," I shouted with a glare.

Scott shakes his head quickly with a bewildered look. "No. No, of course not. Ally, I love you. I didn't mean it like that."

I roll my eyes and smile. "Scott, I'm messing with you. I know."

He sighs in relief. "So, what do you say? You and me tonight? Inside or out? I just want to make you happy."

"You already do. I'll be over in ten. I love you."

"I love you too."

I grabbed a bag and put some clothes inside along with my toothbrush. I jogged downstairs and tried to tune out the shouting as I made my way to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Mom shouted at me.

I sighed and turned around. "I'm going to Lydia's and Scott's place."

"Absolutely not! You're not leaving! I don't want you anywhere near the Martin-McCall residence. Investors are looking to increase their funds in the company and I will not let you ruin our chances of getting more money. I want it to look like you only support the family business. After the deal you can mess around with whoever you want that isn't Scott McCall."

"I can date whoever I want, whenever I want. You don't get to decide that."

"Get upstairs! Right now!"

I turned to my dad. "Tell me I can go."

"Just go upstairs," my dad says. "We'll discuss this later."

"Dad, you can't be serious."

"Just go upstairs Allison."

My mom smirked in victory and I went back upstairs. I sent a quick text to Scott about the new development. He sent me a sad emoji and a broken heart. I changed into my pjs and curled into my bed. I just kept scrolling through pictures of me and Lydia and of me and Stiles and then me and Scott. I don't know how long I was doing that for but I was blasting my music to block out the shouting that had resumed. I remember my dad shouting about how my happiness is more important than the company before I turned on my music. I saw movement at my window and Scott was waving at me.

I smiled and jumped out of bed. I threw open the window and Scott climbed in.

"I missed you. You couldn't come to me so I came to you."

I hug him. "You're perfect. I love you."

Scott pulls away and reaches outside of the window. He pulls his arm back in and I see two takeout bags and a pizza box.

"I got us a pie with bacon and extra cheese. I also got us fries from your favorite diner. And I got you two chocolate milkshakes from your favorite bowling alley."

"You are the best boyfriend in the entire world."

I lock my bedroom door and we sit on the bed eating. Scott was feeding me fries one by one as I laid down so that he was upside-down over me.

"You don't know how beautiful you are. You don't even have to try. How am I ever gonna say no to this gorgeous face?"

I lean up and bite his top lip gently. "You'll just have to live with the fact that I can make you do whatever I want."

He kisses me and I grab the back of his head gently. Scott's nose kept colliding with my chin but I didn't care because with each kiss, I just wanted to lock him in here so I would never have to be without him.

"You know," he says gently as he pulls away. "I think I would totally be ok with you having complete control over me."

"You'd have no choice but to be ok with it."

Scott laughs and kisses me again. Except this time he'd shifted so they he was straddling me and we were right side up. Scott's lips locked with mine so perfectly, it was like they were molded to fit mine. I kept my right hand on the back of his head, keeping him close in the kiss while my left hand slowly made its way up his shirt, tracing his abs and chiseled pecks. His body was radiating heat. He was so hot I felt like if I touched him for too long, I'd melt. I just want to run my hands all over him.

"Allison," Scott says when he pulls away. "Your parents are downstairs. Maybe I should go before we get ahead of ourselves."

"They're too busy arguing to hear us. They probably forgot I'm even here."

"No one could forget you. You're too wonderful to not notice." Scott grins. "But just in case, lets just remind them."

He starts to tickle me and couldn't contain my laughter. I didn't want Scott to get caught so I kicked him off the bed at one point so he'd stop.

"You don't like that," he says. "Fine. I know something you might like."

He lunged forward and pinned my arms above my head. He slowly started kissing down my neck and I moaned with each gentle touch of his lips against my skin.

"Scott," I moaned. "Don't stop. Please don't stop."

Scott laughs. "Like I said. I can't say no to this gorgeous face."

"Good," I say as I flip us over and pin him. "Because I have a feeling this is gonna be a long night of foreplay." I nip neck. "But don't think I'm just fine with foreplay for the rest of our lives. One day soon, I'm gonna mount you and make sure you can't remember how to do anything other than moan my name."

Scott bucks his hips up and his groin grazes mine. He smirks.

"Looks like you've had enough practice of moaning mine."

"Shut up," I say as I kiss him forcefully.

One day soon I'm gonna pin him to the bed and have my way with him. One day soon. Really soon.

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