Bed Rest

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Scott was laying in his bed. He went to get up but I push him back down gently.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To go make myself something to eat."

"No, you're on bed rest. I'll go make you something to eat. What would you like?"

"Ally, I appreciate you and everyone else watching over me but this is just ridiculous. I was dehydrated. I'm drinking lots of water. I'm fine now. I can make myself breakfast."

"I know you can but you won't. I've got it covered. Do you want pancakes? Scrambled eggs and bacon? An omelet? Fruit? Yogurt? What'll make you happy?"

"Making myself breakfast would make me happy."

I straddle his hips. "Let he take care of you. I'm allowed to be worried for you. Tell me how I can make you happy."

"You just being here makes me happy. Don't try so hard Ally. You've got my heart."

"And you've got mine."

He kisses my forehead. "Let me make breakfast."

"Nope, not happening."

"Come on. I've been in bed all morning. I'm sick of it."

Melissa came up after we had had breakfast which I had made. "Hi Allison. I'm gonna watch over Scott. You head home and get all your things for school ready. He'll be fine."

I sigh. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow." I kiss him gently. "I love you."

"I love you too. Don't worry about me. We can video chat later if you want."

"I'd like that very much."


It was around eight when I decided to video chat Scott. I had just missed him so much.

"Hey beautiful," he says when he answers. "What's up?"

"Nothing. You?"

"Burgers are done," Cora says as she walks in with two plates. "Hey Allison."

"Cora, hey. When did you get there?"

Scott then says "My mom invited her over. She knew I was tired of being in bed so Cora came and we went to the lacrosse field. I sat on the bleachers and Cora showed me some adjustments that could help my technique. We talked all about the deal that her parents want to draw up for me when I go pro."

Cora nods. "I told Scott that pro teams are already checking him out for their teams. They wanna know what college he plays for so they can each set up meetings with him personally while he's in college. Some teams are offering him the opportunity to play now while providing him with the best tutors money can buy. I told them that I'd have to speak with my client and that he gets the final say."

Scott laughs. "Don't I have a great agent?"

Cora laughs. "Allison, you should come over. Scott wants you involved with his decision. And as his agent, I have to have his family's best interest in mind and you are part of his family."

Scott then says "You are a key part of my future."

"I'll be over in five."

"I'll go make you a burger," Scott says.

"No, I've got it. You should still be resting." Cora stands. "I'll make it just how you like it. Scott never stops talking about you. I know so much I feel like I'm dating you."


Cora's burger was perfect which only made me upset. She's beautiful. She cooks. She knows sports. She's practically every guy's dream girl. Scott and I were on the couch, me laying back into his chest, while Cora sat across from us.

"I took the liberty of creating separate folders for each of your offers." Cora lays out piles of folders of four colors: red, blue, green, and white. "Red folders are schools that have offered you a full scholarship, have a somewhat easy coach, and are close to here. Blue folders have offered full scholarships, have the highest percentage of their players go into the pros, but are located mostly in the middle of the country. Green folders have also offered full scholarships, have moderately ok coaches, but are located on the other side of the country. The white folders have the pros and cons of each college offer."

Melissa then says "You did all this for Scott?"

I heard Lydia whisper. "It must have been some summer."

Mr. Martin nudges her gently and whispers. "Stop it. It's none of our business."

"Cora, this is amazing. When did you have time to even do all this," Scott asks as he starts to look through some of the red folders.

"I can't take all the credit. My siblings typed all the information I had written down. I'm here to make your life easier Scott as both your friend and as your soon to be agent."

I stand. "I'm gonna get some air."

"Want me to join you? We could go for a walk," Scott says.

"No, I think it'd be better if I just went home. I could really use the alone time."

Scott pouts. "Um, ok. I love you."

"I love you too."


"Hey Ally," Stiles says when I walk in. "What's up?"

"I need a drink."

"Ally, you and I both know that you don't make the best decisions when you drink." Stiles walks over to me. "Let's just talk and you can have a bottle of water. Tell me what's wrong?"

"Cora and Scott."

"They hooked up?"

"No. They're such a good team. She knows sports. She's an amazing cook. She organized his college offers into colors. I can't compete with her."

"You don't have to. Scott loves you. Not her."

I take a sip of the water. "Why can't she just go away. She's always around him. She agreed to stay away from him unless it regarded lacrosse. But Scott is constantly coming up with questions that only she can answer."

"You mean you don't feel like the only girl in the relationship?" I nod. "Does that remind you of anyone?"

I sigh. "That's different. I don't invite Isaac over. He just shows up. Cora's invited."

"Ally, its Scott. You can trust him. If he says there's nothing going on between him and Cora, there's nothing going on. Stop worrying. Go back to being your carefree self who just loves Scott and doesn't worry about anything else."

I nod. "You're right."

There was a knock at the front door. Dad answered the door. "Allison, there's a boy with roses here."


Who do you think it is? Scott? Isaac? Jackson? Comment your theories on what's gonna happy or what you want to happen. Hope you enjoy. Happy reading. 


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