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     "What is this?" He asked.

     We haven't been together for a minute and words of skepticism with mixed emotions of anger and concern linger in his voice already.

     I insisted to see him to inform him about the two good news but it ain't working.

     His eyes laid on me as he takes off his sweater and put it around my waist; his plain black t-shirt revealed and my nose caught a familiar scent of him. I came to Kaffeine to see him. I took a train to be here and little did I know all I would get was his furrowed brows and a confused Ashton as he stared at me.

     The Europe tour was ending and they only have a few more days of staying then they would be heading America, again. At Los Angeles. Where they're staying for good and for band purposes.

     "What is this?" He repeated as soon as he finished tangling it. "Why are you looking like this?" He shook his head with disappointment.

     "Look," he said just as when I opened my mouth to speak, to explain. "I don't want you to change. What were you thinking?"

     He caught my hand and dragged me inside the coffee shop. To the place where only us could have an access.

     "Thanks Leila." Leila's a new employee and she freaked out once, when the band and I dropped by the shop. And only them knows about the two of us.

     "Look, Ashton, I found a new job." I happily informed him. I even clapped and put my elbows at the desk.

     "What job? And... and... what kind of job that does have to wear this...," he pointed my clothes. Looking like innocent. A denim short shorts paired with a loose white t-shirt and with a blue cardigan. As if he only seen this just today. "This."

     "Someone took me for modelling." I smiled but I could say that he wasn't amused. "They said they've seen my instagram that I wear their cl-"

     "Quit at it. Its not that its wrong or bad to wear these clothes but its not so you. I want you to stay the same." He said, sternly, straight to my eyes.

     I didn't say anything.

     "That's an order." He said. 

     I stood up, I've had enough of this. We only had this chance. This ONE chance after four freaking months. "Oh, no?" I shot back, "who gave you the authority?"

     "Me. I gave myself an authority. I am your husband. For goodness' sake."

     "You just don't quit jobs Ashton. Please understand that this ain't rock and roll. This is the real world, my world."

      I stood up, grabbed my purse and walked away.

     "Oh god, where are you going?" He asked, sounding worried and angry.

     "To the real fucking world!!!"


     I've drove to her house for almost four hours and its almost eight o'clock. I guarantee you that I've missed the rehearsal, and here I was, locked out. And I assume you know why.

     Her parents have seen me and I saw them talking about me because her mother was pointing out at me.

     The rain started to pour down like a waterfall and their porch didn't have much space to cover my whole being. The Heavens was starting to produce lighting but I'm sure as Heavens, she won't let me in.

     I could hear her mother shouting from downstairs while I sit here at the white beautiful front porch.

     His brother came.

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