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     "Will you marry me?"

     I couldn't even breathe. We still had a lot to talk about. About ourselves, families and friends. We should've knew each other very well before asking questions like this. We were nurtured to follow these earthly rules but he doesn't seemed to care because he was kneeling in front of me. Smiling, shiner than the silver ring he was holding, for me.

     "Are you aware of what you are asking me?," I was still thinking how could it be? He looked lively as what he had been.

     "We both know you heard what I said."

     "But you're so faithful and loyal and oh my God how could I be more lucky to you asking me this?"

     "Its obvious that you heard every word I said or asked rather. You know that we've got a lot to talk about if you even care and aware that I'm kneeling to this cement." he said, complaining but giggling.

     "How could I say no?!" I said and pulled him up. "Yes, yes, yes!"

     I was about to kiss him, in his lips, but he hesitated. It was the first time since we got back together that I'm the one who would kiss him and not him to my lips and got rejected.

     How dare he was!

     I looked at him with confusion. But by my surprise he traced my jaw, grabbed my neck, he looked at me in the eyes. Being stared by Ashton Irwin was one my favorite things, everytime I see myself in his pupils I felt lost and founded, by him, only him.

      He kissed me slowly but surely. His lips covered mine, I was pressed against the wall. His tongue slowly entering into mine. Every switch of our heads made air into our mouth and let us breathe. He was passionate on what he was doing. He made me breathless, but then he grabbed my waist and stopped.

     He put his chin to my shoulder.



     But it wasn't awkward.

     We were hugging each other for two minutes. No one was speaking but the slicing silence. His arms were so wide that I always felt armed and safe everytime I'm pressed against him.

     "Thank you for giving me a place in this world," he whispered, "And I'm so lucky that you'd stay for a while. Just hang on, we'll go home."

     "I'll not stay for a while." I said, "i'll be your wife and we'll have a soccer team." I respond.

     "That's a lot. You would take that?" he asked, giggling, that caused his chin to bounce to my shoulder.

     "Nah, that's a lot. I'd die." I said and he just hugged me.

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