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"What the hell were you talking about the sequel?!" Calum was now hyperventilating which I didn't know if it was because of happiness or shock or he wasn't agree with it, "Like you and Sarah?! You two are in a relationship?!" he asked. Calum was constantly shaking me right after the interview and the camera was rolled off. I wished he was happy about it because when we were in a relationship, he really wanted her for me.

"Not yet Cal," I said, taking his hands off of me because I was feeling a bit of dizzy from so much shaking, "Calm the hell down." I let him sat down the hotel's king sized bed.

"Okay." I started, Luke and Michael stopped from what they were doing and listened, "First off, this isn't a big thing for us, as a band, right?"

"Of course, it is." Michael said as if he was sure about it, "it might be a threat, again." The Acacia incident would always remind her to them.

"I know, about Acacia, but she's happy now. She's got a boyfriend and we once talked she said she loves him. She won't mess up with us again." I explained assuring them with hand gestures.

"I'm not convinced enough about Acacia, with this." Luke said, standing up and started to walk from left to right, "I mean, it's just a year ago Ashton. She might not still over you, or the guy she's with," he shrugged, "she's just using him to get over you."

Good point but I was sure about it, she told me everything after we talked two months ago before heading here in London. "How do you jump to conclusions like that?" I asked, anger started to consume me and it was caught in my voice, "You don't even know her."

"Neither do you."

"Atleast I had a relationship with her." I defended myself and turned around.

"So you need to have a romantic relationship with someone to know them?" Luke asked and sarcasm in his voice lingered. My hands were trembling. I wanted to punch something, anything, just to ease the anger that I was holding.

"You know what? STOP." Calum said and stood in between us, "Ashton," I heard him behind me, I past a hand through my face, "Do you see what is happening? You're not even starting to court her, again, and this is what's happening."

"This?" I asked, turning around to see him but Luke was already out of sight, either in the bathroom or out the hotel.

"We are starting to fall apart. The friendship, the band." We weren't falling apart; it was just a problem that needed a serious discussion and decision making.

By the window I was staring outside, full moon, clear skies, shiny stars and cold breeze. It was a perfect night for a perfect movie marathon with these lads, but we fought. We all fought because of... I didn't even want to say it; I didn't want to blame her. I loved her.

A wheel of memories was spinning in my head, both good and bad, it was getting blur as my tears dared to well up in my eyes. I wiped it off. I love these guys like brothers but now we had a huge gap between us. A huge invisible space trying to keep the both companies apart.

Why it seemed like she's a huge threat in between all of us? Even before, like that night when Calum and I almost fight. She was like an evil spell that once her name said everything would break down. From pieces to dust and will never be able to be back from its original shape. Was it because we couldn't be together? Why? Because she's an ordinary fan? But Billie Joe and Elvis Presley. How did they do it?

"Ash," Michael approached. He sat beside me and stared, "I know it's hard, to choose between the person you love, friends and career. But if I knew what your answer at the interview would be, I'd suggest you to just keep it to yourself."

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