Best friends to Lovers {MoonBin - Astro}

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Author's POV
Christine was on her way to school. She plugged in her earphones as she listened to Ikon's Climax. (Guys, If you havent heard of this song, I swear listen to it. Its so perfect. I cried when I watched Hanbin rapping. The message of the song was actually great! Go ahead listen to it!)
As she was walking on the road, someone placed an arm on her shoulder that startled her.

Christine's POV
As I was listening to Ikon's climax, I suddenly felt an arm placed on my shoulders

"Annyeong Christine!" Moonbin greeted
"Yah! You scared me!" I exclaimed
"Hehe, mian! Lets go to school together!"

Me and Moonbin were bestfriends since diapers. We know each other so well. I already saw how he cries, he sleeps, basically everything. I liked it when he always cheers me up whenever Im sad. He is always there to protect me and Im glad for his existence.
Author's POV
As Christine was daydreaming, she failed to notice that someone is admiring her from the side.
Moonbin's POV
I stared at her again. She is so pretty. I really admire her not just because of her perfect looks but also her personality. I'll admit, I love my bestfriend more than anything. But, Im afraid to tell her because I know she only sees me as a friend, nothing more. I think I have no other choice but to stay by her side.

Soon, they already arrived school and parted ways.
<Lunch break>
Christine's POV
As the bell rang, I immediately packed my books and headed towards the door. I already saw Binnie waiting for me outside

"Christine! Come on! Lets have our lunch!"
"okay! I'll just go first in my locker okay? I'll follow!"
"okay! Go faster!"
As soon as Moonbin left, I approached my locker. I opened it and suddenly, a letter fell.

Please meet me at the garden after dismissal. I need to tell you something important. I'll be waiting.
KJI? I dont know anyone with that kind of initials. Maybe I'll just meet him/her later.
Author's POV
Moonbin suddenly felt nervous as why Christine haven't arrived yet. He starts to get worried. Meanwhile, Eunwoo already spotted Christine heading to their table.

"Yah Moonbin, stop pouting. Your princess is already here." Eunwoo said.
(Eunwoo and astro already know that Moonbin loves Christine and they are the ones who are encouraging Moonbin to confess but this Binnie is too scared to be rejected.)
As Moonbin heard what Eunwoo said, he immediately look up to see Christine sitting beside him.
"Yah! Where were you? What took you so long?!"
"Dont be mad! I just saw something at my locker."
"what is it?"
Christine immediately placed the letter on top of the table and Moonbin immediately grab it. As he read the letter, his face literally fell. He doesnt know what to do. His princess will be taken away. He knows it. Someone will confess to her. He read the initials, it was KJI. He was scared. He knows who he is. It was none other than Kim Jongin, one of the most popular guys in their school. He knew it. Even if he confessed to Christine, he wouldnt stand a chance. Jongin has everything. The face, the body, the talent compared to him. He was just a nobody.
Eunwoo noticed Moonbin's face so he yanked the paper away from him and he also read it. He felt bad for Moonbin. But, what can he do? He can't just tell Christine not to go because that would be suspicious. He was just hoping for some miracle to happen.
Author's POV
As the classes ended, Christine immediately packed her things and went to the garden to meet this anonymous person.
Meanwhile, Moonbin was debating with himself, should he confess? Should he let Christine be taken away? Of course not. He must do something.
While Christine is on her way to the garden, someone suddenly pulled her.

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