Time of the month {Chanyeol - EXO}

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Its the time of the month again. You were lying lifelessly on your bed, covered with soft mattress while clutching your stomach because of the pain. The pain started to grow more as tears started to fall. You clutched your stomach harder to supress the pain and let out a cry.

You heard your bedroom door open, not bothering to look who the person was, it was obvious that it is your boyfriend, Chanyeol.

"Hey babe, wake up." He greeted as he sat down beside you, caressing your hair. He then noticed how pale you are, sweats forming on your forehead and your face shows pain.

"Baby, are you alright?" He asked

"Is it the time of the month again?" He continued as you slowly nodded. He then sighed and shifted his position. He lifted the duvet, making you crouch more because of the sudden cold hitting your skin making you have goosebumps. He then laid down beside you as he placed the duvet above your bodies then went closer to you as he placed his arm behind your head, putting you closer to him. You didn't hesitate to snuggle closer to him, feeling comfortable due to his body warmth and his lovely scent.

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"Are you feeling any better?" He asked as you just nod at him

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"Are you feeling any better?" He asked as you just nod at him.
He then started placing short kisses repeatedly on top of your head and your forehead.
You didn't say much and just enjoyed the moment, feeling comfortable in the embrace of your boyfriend.

You just stayed like that for the whole day, you snuggling closer to him, and him taking care of you.

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