Idols in Love {Ravi - Vixx Pt. 2}

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<one week after>

Jinny's POV
Promotions are already finished and we are now here at our dorm taking a rest.
Its already 9am and my members are still fast asleep. I am also laying on my bed still bothered what happened last week.


Author's POV
After Ravi walked out, everyone was in dazed. N being the leader apologized due to the sudden rudeness of his member that was usually known for being a mood maker. Jinny and the whole Versatile was still shocked to what happened. Being a rookie group, they just stood there frozen not knowing what to do. both group's manager sensed the tension so they just laughed it off to ease the tension.


Author's POV

In order to remove her sudden worries about the incident a week ago, Jinny decided to stroll around Seoul since its been years she's been here and being a trainee doesn't even help because they are not allowed to just go outside the dorm and have fun.

As she was strolling, she saw a river bank so she decided to spend sometime there. She admired the sublime view as she felt so calm just like how calm the river is. While glancing at the view, she saw a tree and suddenly felt nostalgic about it. She can't explain the feeling so she decided to go to the tree. She slowly placed her hand on the tree and caress it. Then she suddenly saw a carving on the tree

Won Shik & Jinny
언제나 그리고 영원히(Always and Forever)

Won Shik? She thought as she slowly touched the carvings when suddenly her head started to hurt as she remembers something.


Jinny was seating on their school's bench as she was waiting for her friend, Won Shik. When suddenly, someone placed a blindfold to her eyes that startled her

"Yah! What are you doing!? Who are you!? Remove this blindfold!" She shouted and struggled as she was being dragged by who the hell knows. She's now crying thinking that she's been kidnapped. She's not that rich but why is she being kidnapped? Are they going to rape her? Are they going to sell her to some well-known person and kill her and use her internal organs and sell it in the black market? She thought as tears keeps on streaming down her face. She is now reminiscing all her happy memories with her family and friends. She is also now reflecting to her mistakes and wrong doings as she asks forgiveness to the Heavenly Father. While crying she heard her kidnappers whispering.

"Shit. She's crying. We're doomed"

"She must be scared right now"

"What do you expect her to be? excited? Glad? Ecstatic?! She's being kidnapped of course she's scared right now. Stupid."

"Aissh.. We're doomed if he knew that we made her cry. Aishh jinjja. This is stressing me."

"It is his fault anyways to do this fucking play. He should be responsible to what might happen."

She is now more scared than before. She's now sure that she will be sold to a certain "Him". She felt hopeless for her situation and she can't do anything but to ask for a miracle that someone would help her. While in her thoughts, the car abruptly stopped. They must be in the abandoned building just like what she usually sees in dramas. The kidnappers held her and dragged her somewhere. She felt the breeze on her legs and face. She can here leaves from a far and a calm flow of water. Am I in a cliff wherein they are just going to rape me here and kill me and throw me on the river and leave me so that no one would search for me? She thought as she shivered due to the cold breeze. Her thoughts were interrupted when they suddenly stopped. The kidnappers remove their hands on her arms and left her. She stood their confuse as why they left her? Do they already realize that she's not pretty so they just left her? She slowly removed the blindfold and what she saw really surprised her.

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