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"Da Ye! I'll go now. Always lock the door and don't let anyone in, okay? And also, Don't you dare invite your friends here at our house just to have some party , understood?" My mom nagged at me as she is going to leave me alone in the house because of a business trip for 3 days.

"Eomma, do you really need to go? You know I'm scared being alone" I begged as I keep on shaking her arm

"Da Ye, you know I have to, right? It's just for 3 days. You're big enough. You can do it. Just don't answer the door if there is someone knocking at night and don't talk to strangers!" She informed as I whined, saying no.. I really can't be alone. This past few days, I keep on feeling that I am always being followed. Whenever I go to bed, I feel like someone is staring right at me which makes me unable to sleep. Sometimes I can ignore the presence but sometimes I can't which makes me knock on my mother's room and ask her if I could sleep with her. I also told her about it but she won't listen. She always says that Im just being delusional.

"Your aegyo won't work on me, honey."


"I have to go. My boss is already waiting for me. Goodbye sweetie." She said as she left a kiss on my forehead. She then proceeded outside and rode her car as I waved her goodbye.

Minutes, Hours passed by, it is already bed time.

I turned off the TV and decided to sleep because it is already 11 pm and there is still school tomorrow. I stood up from the couch and drink a glass of milk before proceeding to my room.

I went inside my room and settle my things for tomorrow. Later on, I decided to turn off the lights and lay down on my bed and soon, sleep. 

I suddenly woke up, feeling uneasy. I don't know how to explain the feeling but I kind of feel that I am not alone. I sat up noticing that there is something on my bedroom door. I squinted my eyes only to see an outline of a man standing at my door, watching me. I immediately opened my lamp shade but when I looked back, its gone. I started getting pretty scared but I shook off the feeling.
Its nothing, Y/N. You're just scaring yourself. You just watched to horror movies. I thought to calm myself. I decided to turn off the lamp shade and decided to go back to sleep. I lay down again and slowly tugged my comforter but it seems like something is stopping me to do so. I slowly sat up only to witness that the same shadow is now already sitting at the end of my bed, touching my comforter. I widen my eyes, unable to speak. The shadow slowly approached me. I can't move. My hands are shaking and tears started to flow on my cheeks. My lips were trembling. The shadow is now in front of me. I tried so hard to move, but it seems that I can't. He is now coming closer and I immediately shut my eyes only to hear him chuckle. Suddenly, my eyes started to open on its own. What the actual fuck. He can fucking control me. He then forced me to look at him as he let me examine his features.

Pale, smooth marble-like skin

Bloody red eyes

Red plump lips

I still can't move as he is now completely facing me, when he suddenly opened his mouth and muttered,


Then he suddenly opened his mouth only for me to see his fangs as he looked at me, with those bloody red eyes. He then started leaning into my neck when,


I suddenly woke up after hearing my alarm. I breathed heavily, cathing my breath. I looked at my alarm clock, 6:00AM.

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