Sick {Jin - BTS}

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Your POV
I woke up feeling extremely tired and dizzy. It may be because I stayed up too late just to study for our upcoming exam. Nevertheless, I still went out of the bed and took a shower thinking that it may help reduce my dizziness.
After taking a shower, I wore my school uniform and headed downstairs to be greeted by my mom who is also prepared to go to her work.

"Good morning Y/N!"

"Good Morning mom"

" you look very lethargic my dear. Is something wrong?"

" I'm just not feeling well right now mom."

"Omo. Let me feel your temperature honey."

My mom approached me and was shocked to feel that Im burning hot.

"Honey, you should just rest. Dont go to school okay? Just eat your breakfast and drink your medicine"

" But mom I need to go to school. It would eventually go away"


Before my mom could finish, someone rang the bell. It must be my boyfriend, Jin. He always picks me up so that we can go to school together.

"That must be Jin. I need to go."

" okay honey just dont forget to drink your medicine okay? Im also going to work. Hope you will be fine. Dont make your mom worried okay?"

" Ne omma." I said as I kissed her goodbye and approached the door to greet my boyfriend.

"Goodmorning princess" Jin greeted as he was about to kiss me on my forehead, I immediately pushed him. I can't let him feel that Im sick or else he would nag at me for the whole day.

"Is there something wrong Y/N?" He asked as he was shocked and felt rejected when I didn't let him kiss me.

"I-Im sorry Im just... Im in my period. Yeah" I lied

"Oh, sorry. You must be really sensitive right now. Hehe. Let's just go we might be late in our class." He said as he also felt embarassed.
I am currently in my class. Basically Me and Jin aren't classmates because he's my senior. But Jungkook, his friend, is my classmate.
As I was listening to the lecture, my professor called me to answer the question on the board. Everyone looked at me and I feel very anxious. I went to the board and when I was about to solve the question, I suddenly felt a pang on my head and I just literally black out.
Jin's POV
I am currently in my P.E class playing basketball when someone keeps on shouting my name which interrupted me in playing basketball. That someone turned out to be Jungkook.

"Hyung, Hyung!"

"Wae?" I asked as I was curious what may be the reason for Jungkook to be rushing to my class.

"Y,Y/N.... S-she.." Jungkook stutters as he is still catching his breath from endless running

"Just breathe first Jungkook. What's the matter. What's with Y/N?" I grew very worried as I heard Y/N's name.

"She blacked out a while ago when she wa..."

I didn't let Jungkook finish as I ran as fast as I can to the clinic. I am so worried about Y/N blacking out. She must be really very sick and I can't take it seeing her in pain. I should be by her side as her boyfriend, as her supporter.
I arrived at the clinic and immediately barged inside the room witnessing the school nurse just came out from a room. I rushed to the nurse as I asked her where Y/N is and what her condition is. She said that Y/N has a high fever that is why she blacked out. But she already took a medicine so her temperature is expected to go down later. I thanked her and went to Y/N's room. I saw her sleeping so peacefully but it hurts me seeing her suffering. Her face is so pale and her lips are so dry. What kind of boyfriend Am I for not noticing that she was sick. She even lied to me for having period maybe that is why she's acting really weird. I sat on her bed as I caress her cheek which made her woke up.

Your POV
I suddenly opened my eyes as I felt a soft hand caressing my cheek. I saw my boyfriend seating on my bed and looking at me worriedly

"How do you feel Y/N?" He asked

"I am fine." I smiled

"You don't have to pretend Y/N. You don't need to lie." He said disappointed

"I-im sorry. I just don't want to be a burden." I confessed feeling guilty for not letting him know my condition and of course, for lying

"We promised to take care of each other right? And please stop saying that you're a burden. You're my priority so don't ever think of that again. I want you to always think that I am always here for you okay?" He said as he kissed my forehead and looked at me.

"Ne oppa. Mianhae." I said feeling touch and lucky for having such a caring boyfriend.

He smiled at me as he hopped on the bed laying beside me as he hugged me closer to him and started caressing my hair which I really like.

"Let's just stay like this for a while " he said as he kissed the top of my head

I nodded and soon fell asleep as I felt comfortable hugging him.
There you go hats102 . I am sorry if it's not what you like but I just based this imagine from Jin's attitude cause I do believe that he is the type of boyfriend who is caring 😊
Hope you like this imagine and thank you so much for waiting! Lovelots❤️

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