Be Mine {Sungjong-Infinite}

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Sungjong POV
Y/N and I were childhood friends. It started when both of our mothers are pregnant with me and her. There are close friends which led me and Y/N to become friends also.

Since childhood, we already know and see each other. I always drop by to her house to sleepover or to play with her. We became playmates to each other and I started to like her that time and treated her like a sister, a person whom I shall protect.

During middle school, we are still close as ever. I always fetch her from home to school and back. I always stay by her side as I need to protect her from the bad guys.

During HS days, many things happened and developed. Y/N is growing, as well as me. We are each other's first. I remembered the first day she finally became a lady. I was the one who noticed it. I remembered that day, she cried non stop thinking that she got a wound down there. But luckily, her mom explained things to her and she finally understood it. During this time, I am still with her. We're still close but something change. Since we're undergoing puberty, we kind of loss our innocence. There was now an invincible wall between us. There are things that I can no longer do with her. I can no longer hold her hand, I can no longer give her kisses, I can no longer
ask her mom if I can stay at their house and sleep with her on the same room. It was a sudden change and it was hard to adapt to it. But there was this big realization I have encountered. It was when she started to doll up herself. She started being so meticulous on how she look. It was because of a guy she likes. I just observed her and didn't bother to ask but instead, I became more protective of her. At first I believed to myself that the reason why I am protecting her is because she is one of the most important persons in my life. She is like my sister that I need to protect, just like what I have promised to myself back in middle school But when the moment the guy hurt her and she went to me crying, it was the day that I realized, the reason why I protected her was no longer valid.It is because I started to feel that I am slowly getting attracted to her, in a loving way. I now see her as a woman of my dreams and not just a simple friend that I used to know. I promised myself that I won't let anyone hurt her again. I won't let any tears escape from her eyes once again. I would make her happy.

We're now in college. We pursue different courses and luckily, we are still on the same university. Despite the busy and hectic schedules, I still managed to stay by her side the whole time. I always accompany her to her classroom, we always go home together, we study together, etc. there were lots of moments that we made throughout our college years. I always treat her like a princess. I always make sure that she always have a smile on her face. I always make sure to make her happy despite all the negative circumstances. I also promised to her that if she needed someone, she can always count on me. I would be the first one to protect and support her. I don't care if she gets tired of my face, atleast I am satisfied knowing that she is completely fine and happy.

After all the years of being with her, I know to myself that she is the one for me. I know she is the one who could bring happiness and contentment to my life and I can't imagine my life without her at my side. I decided to take the risk and tell her what I feel.

It was her graduation day. I already asked her parents for their permission and they immediately agreed to my plan. After the graduation ceremony ended, they were asked to go to the school's gym. It is where I am going to do my plan.

I hid myself well, silently observing her. The lights went off and the only light that is visible is the projector. There is a video playing, it was actually a simple movie with our moments together. I closely watched her reaction. Her face shows confusion. The other students continued to watch silently because they are part of my plan.
The video ended by flashing some of our sweet photos. The lights went back again, and I can clearly see her face. There were tears in her eyes. I guess she felt touched by the simple video.
After the video ended, a small group of musicians started to play a sweet, romantic song. Students started to move aside, leaving her at the middle as a single light shine upon her. I then started to reveal myself, singing her a song.

I watched over it, your love, the long farewell
Rather than always getting hurt, this is better
Look at me carefully, it's because I don't like you crying
Being hurt is tiring, yeah, every time I see you like that
Be mine. I love you, okay? I worry about you, okay?
I'll take care of you until the end
You know me, right? You saw me, right?
I'll protect you until the end
I revolve around you like a moon
The lights are turned off in your love
So leave it and look at me
I'll cover up your deep scars and make you laugh
And make you mine

I ended the song, standing in front of her. Tears started to spill as I gently wipe them away from her, giving her a sweet smile.

"Y/N, you know very well that you're the only girl into my life right?
You're the only girl whom I treasured the most aside from my Mother. You're the only girl whom I protected with all my life. You're the only girl of my life.
All the years that we've been together as siblings, as friends, I've realized that I can't live without you by my side. I can't imagine you being far away from me. I am no longer contented with just being a friend to you. I want to be special. I want to have a special place in your heart. I want to be the guy who is always in your side. I want to be the guy who can hold your hand. I want to be the guy who can make your day happy and make you smile. I want to be the guy who would give you kisses every morning. I want to be the guy whom you'll text every time you wake up and before you sleep. I want to be the guy who is always inside your mind. I want to be the guy whom you'll want to spend your life with. I want to be the father of your child. Y/N, I know this is too sudden, but what's the point of asking you to be my girlfriend if I already know that you're the only person whom I want to spend my life with. So instead of asking you to be my girlfriend, I want to ask you..."
"Will you be mine and become my Mrs. Lee?"

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