My boyfriend is a rapper {Kugyeol - Up10tion}

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If you are not familiar with Kugyeol, well he's a member to look out for in Up10tion. He's really funny. Up10tion is really a funny group and I hope they would gain popularity sooner since they are underrated as compared to the other groups that debuted in the year 2015 like Ikon, monstax, and seventeen. So, here is a picture of him. He's handsome :)

Reminder: Her thoughts are italicized

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Reminder: Her thoughts are italicized. :)

Your POV
Today is Saturday which means rest day which also means the time where I can spazz and fangirl whole day. Well, my parents are in a business meeting so I am alone. As I was doing a rap marathon, I receive a text message from my boyfriend.

"Hey Y/N! What are you doing? Do you want to hangout?"

"Mianhae Minsoo oppa, I'm too tired I don't want to get out of the bed"

After I replied him, he didn't reply. So I continued watching my favorite rappers rap.

After sometime, as I was in the process of feeling the emotions of Suga run into my body and blood as I continue to listen and admire him for his rap skills (Authornim really love how Suga raps.) ,someone rang the doorbell.

Aiisssh, who the hell is this guy disturbing my moment. I thought

When I opened the door, my boyfriend's face literally popped out that shocked me.

"Annyeong Y/N!" Minsoo greeted me and immediately engulfed me in a bear tight hug.

"Yah! You scared me! What are you doing here!? And can you please let go? I can't breathe." I complained

"Mian. I just missed you babe" and he did the kissy kissy face which disgusts me.

Sometimes I even don't know why i fell for this weird guy. I thought.

I went upstairs before he could kiss me. This guy will be the death of me really. I know his handsome/cute but sometimes I just cant with him being hyper as if he inhaled 100 packs of sugar. He is also way too clingy. The girls are usually the ones who is clingy right?

I went inside my room and lay down on my bed as I reached out for my phone and continue to listen to rap music. When suddenly, that bear of mine snatched my precious phone away.

"Yahh! Give me my phone back!"

"Andwae! You'll be watching those weird guys talking so fast as if they were being chased by a mad buffalo"

"Its not weird! And its called rapping Mr. Ko Min Soo"

"Whats about them that you're being crazy over them?"

"They are cool and full of SWAG!"

"I'm cool too!"

"Yeah, somehow you're cool but you can't rap"

"No! I do! In fact I'm good at freestyle rap!

When he said that, my face literally lit up. I can't believe he knows how to rap so I asked him and waited for him with full of anticipation until he suddenly started to rap.
(Watch the clip. It is the best freestyle rap ever that can make all the judges from SMTM insecure)

I am.....

I actually don't know how to express what I feel.


I don't know what to say so I started laughing so loud at him. Like WTF. Its the weirdest rap I ever heard. I can't even consider what he did as a "rap". I am laughing non stop when he suddenly called for my attention.

"Wae? Why are you laughing?" He whined

"Its not a rap oppa! You're just saying the things that comes out from your mouth!"

"Mwo? I did my best there! If that's not rap then what is it then? "

"Oppa, rap has something to do with reality. You need to share your emotions or your story and not just saying something randomly" I informed him as I'm still laughing

"Aissh molla. But atleast I caught your attention now and I made you laugh." He smiled proudly.

"HAHAHA. I know. Thank you tho. You made my day" I said still giggling

"Of Course! That's my job as a boyfriend and also because I love you! He said while doing a heart sign

"Of Course! That's my job as a boyfriend and also because I love you! He said while doing a heart sign

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I immediately run up to him and he encircled his arms around my waist

"Even though you are so weird, I still love you" I confessed as I peck him on his lips.

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