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Hi guys, sorry to tell but to those who requested, it might take me for a while to finish those.
Its because exams week are approaching and I need to study really hard because I need to retain my grades(cause I am a dean's lister) and I want it to retain until I graduate. I want to graduate with honors and also
Im currently having a problem.....
My family is having a hard time, financial problem to be exact.
Since I am studying from one of the most expensive/prestigious schools in my country, I can't keep up with the expenses anymore. There are too many fees that needs to be paid but we really dont have money left. My parents cant even give me enough allowances anymore and I just trying to solve it by cutting my expenses such as not eating throughout the day(since I live at condo alone). I also have subjects that requires off campus trips/activities but since we dont have money, i decided no to join even though it is needed. My friends even asked me why and I cant tell them the truth because they all came from a wealthy family (lets just say that the students who are studying at my school are mostly rich, those who are daughters/sons of politicians, artists, businessmen etc) i cant tell them my true situation because I know to myself that they will judge me. My school is known for that. They are rich so its just obvious that they will look down at me and I dont want that to happen. :(((
We really are in a crucial situation. Im scared that I might stop going to school and I can't accept that :( I dont want to waste my education :((
Its really hard for me to adjust since we haven't experience this before. We're kind of wealthy before but since our business failed because some bad people decided to take our money from the business and stole it. Those guys who did it, run away and we couldnt find them anymore. I hate it. My parents thought that they were loyal and trustworthy business partners but they just fooled my parents.
So guys, please understand if I can't update for awhile. Im just having a hard time and I can't keep up with it anymore :((( but Im going to do my best to update this week. Thank you for your consideration. Lovelots ❤️

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