Making you jealous {Eunwoo-ASTRO}

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Me and my friend, Jinjin are currently in the school's canteen to grab some lunch. As usual, both of us are sharing little stories between us since lunch time is the only time when we can catch up since he's older than me and we're not classmates. It was really fun to be with Jinjin until a certain someone decided to invade our place by simply placing down his food tray and sat beside Jinjin without even asking for our permission if he could share a seat with us. I glared at him trying to gain his attention when he finally looked up to me.

"I know I'm handsome but Its rude to stare at people." He shamelessly said as I scoffed in disbelief.

"I am not staring at you" I defended.

"Yeah right." He shrugged and continue eating.

I rolled my eyes, expressing how frustrated I am. Jinjin saw me and muttered a "are you okay?" I just nodded as he sweetly smiled at me. I smiled back feeling thankful to have a sweet friend like him.

"Oh! I forgot! Eunbi I need to go to the library since Sanha is waiting for me there. Is it okay if I leave you here?" Jinjin apologized while glancing at Eunwoo. I sighed and nodded. I can't always be with Jinjin. I don't want to burden him. He apologetical smiled back and bid goodbye.

"What was that?" Eunwoo asked as I faced him.


"Smiling at each other as if you don't see each other everyday. So clingy."

"Why do you care?" I stated as I placed my chin on my right arm and began playing with my food.

There was a moment of silence before he started talking again.

"Go to my house later."


"We have to start our research paper if we don't like to fail."

I sighed and muttered an okay. I guess I can never really avoid him considering that he is my classmate and he is also my partner for this project.

We arrived at his house. His mom greeted me as I greet her back. Its kind of awkward since its been two years since we saw each other after what happened between me and Eunwoo. Even though its awkward, she still welcomed me like how she welcomes me before by hugging me like I am her daugther.

"My Eunbi!" His mom cooed as she approached me and gave me a warm hug.

"My daughter... what happened to you? Why did you suddenly left us?"

"Im sorry eomoni, its just that my family encountered some issues that we need to move to another country. Sorry I wasn't able to say goodbye and left because it was too sudden."

"We missed you a lot, especially Eunwoo. You'll never imagine what he did when you guys.."

"Mom!" Eunwoo interrupted his mother and glared at her.

"We'll do our project upstairs. Lets go." Eunwoo continued and yanked me away from his mom as I apologize in behalf of her rude son.

We arrived at his room. He slowly opened the door and gestured me to go inside. Well, it hadn't changed a bit. Still neat as ever and his room still have that sweet vanilla scent.

"Should we start now?" I asked him as he nodded.

We both sat in front of his study table and began doing our research. It was quiet but its comfortably and relaxing type of silence. No one dared to talk and just enjoyed it while focusing on the research paper.

Time passed so quickly and we are almost done with the research paper. We decided to stop first and take a rest. I stretched my arms while yawning. Doing a paper is really tiring.

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