Who to love? {BTS Part 1}

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"Okay class attention please!" Your homeroom teacher, Ms. Seolhyun said as soon she entered your classroom which gained all the attention of your classmates.

"Since we are done with our final exams, the principal proposed an off-campus activity for everyone in the school"

As soon as the information was revealed, hollers and cheers were heard throughout the corridors of the high school department.

"Quiet class! I would like to remind you that this event requires teamwork and dedication. It is not just about having fun but it will also help you improve your interpersonal skills and participation skills! So it's not just a fun activity just like what you expected. The activity will be held tomorrow. The chosen location for this activity will be at Carribean Bay. We will meet here at school at exactly 6AM. So better pack some swimsuits and pajamas as we're going to stay there for 3 days and 2 nights! Your groupmates will be announced tomorrow and take note, ITS RANDOM! That's all!"

Reena's POV
As soon as your teacher left the room, cheers and hollers can be heard once again throughout the corridors. Obviously, everyone is excited for the upcoming activity. Girls were spazzing and dreaming about what they are going to do if they were teamed up with a very hot and handsome guy, except for you. You are not a fan of these kind of activities because first, you're lazy, second, you're lazy, and third, you're super lazy. Hearing this type of announcement irritated you but you can't do anything but to join.
You immediately went out of the classroom as soon as you heard the bell rang. You immediately saw your bestfriend, Kim Taehyung waiting patiently for you to be dismissed. You hurriedly approached him and clung to his right arm as you both greeted each other. Both of you proceeded to the canteen and seated on a vacant table to have your lunch.

"Reena, did your teacher already announced about the activity tomorrow?" Taehyung asked.

"Ne Taehyung-shi. I don't want to come. I'm too lazy." You complained.

"Well you shouldn't because it's required. Anyway, have you heard about it?"

"about what?"

"That SM university will be our partner school for this event?"

As soon as you heard what your best friend had told you, you almost choked out the food you were eating. It is because SM university is where that bastard, or let's just say your ex boyfriend, Park Jimin is studying.

"Gwaenchana Reena?" Taehyung asked you as he passed you a bottled water and slowly patted your back.

"Ne Tae Tae. Im good" You said

"Don't worry Reena. I'll protect you if that bastard disturbed you okay? I won't let him hurt you again."

"Thanks Tae Tae." You smiled

"I'm always here for you Reena because I love you and you know I won't get tired of chasing you." He smiled back as he places his hand over your hand.

Taehyung is your bestfriend but last month, he confessed that he likes you more than just a friend. You are still in dazed that you failed to give him an answer because as of now, You weren't ready to take the risk to fall in love again after that stupid bastard(AKA JIMIN) left you for another woman. But he completely understand your situation. He said that he is willing to wait for your answer. You always like this attitude of Taehyung because he's patient and he's funny which doesn't make it a bit awkward for the both of you even though he confessed. You're comfortable with him but you're not sure if it's better if you will take your relationship to a next level.

Next Day~
You arrived at your school at exactly 6 in the morning. Everyone gathered around in the gym as the Principal announced the bus number for each section. Since Taehyung is your senior, he will basically be riding a different bus. You pouted as soon as you realized this. It is because that you have no close friends in your section. It is not because you're a nerd or you were bullied but because you are so ideal that everyone is scared to be your friend. You are a pretty and smart girl that everyone is scared to be compared to and it is also because your brother, known as Yoongi was known as a scary guy. Knowing that you are his sister made them think that if they crossed paths with you, they are in a big trouble. As you were sulking, a cute guy with a bunny smile approached you.

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