사랑해 {MJ-ASTRO}

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No one's POV

"Okay Yana, I am your neurologist, Dr. Kim Seokjin. We're going to start the test." Dr.Kim, Yana's neurologist informed.

"Please repeat after me."

"Blue. Pants. Lemon. Children. Giraffe."

"Blue. Pants. Lemon. Children. Giraffe." Yana answered a bit hesitant as if she's having a hard time remembering the exact words but still manage to do so.

"What date is today?"

"Today is October 17,2016"

"Without looking at the watch, do you know what time is it?"

"I guess its 8:30am?"

"Can you name 12 animals?"

"Pig, cow, dog, cat, giraffe, panda, bear,..."

"Go on, you can do it."

"Panda.....bear.........pig, cat, dog,........crocodile, pig........."

"Okay. Since you're having a hard time, lets skip this one."

Yana nodded as a sign of agreement.

"Can you recall the things that I asked you to repeat a while ago?"

Yana nodded and was about to start enumerating the things she said a while ago but suddenly, she can't remember any word.

"B-blue? F-frog? P-pink?" Yana started, uncertainty was evident from the tone of her voice.

Dr.Kim just nodded and moved on to the next test.

"Ms. Yana, can you draw me a clock?

"Yeah of course." Yana said and started drawing a circle, followed by the numbers and the arrows.

She successfully drew a clock but its kind of distorted.

"Sorry. I'm just not creative." Yana defended while chuckling, feeling embarassed with her drawing

"That's fine. Anyway, where do you live right now?"

"I live with my husband"

"Do you mind telling me the exact address?"

"Yeah sure. Its 2314. Oh wait, I think its 2214. Maybe?" Yana started to get confused of her home address as Dr.Kim waited for her to finish

"Oh wait, I guess its 2114, Casablanca street." She answered full of confidence.

"Okay. For the last question for this morning's test, can you please tell me who I am?" Dr.Kim asked

"You're Doctor Kim." Yana proudly answered

"What's my fullname?"




"You're Dr. Kim Seo....."


"Dr. Kim Seokjoo?" Yana answered, unsure.

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