I like you {Mark - Got7}

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Mark's POV

Today is my parent's 20th wedding anniversary. Me and my siblings are planning a surprise celebration for them. We are busy preparing for the occasion. My sisters are in charge of the food, while me and Joey are in charge of the guests. I called our closest relatives and friends to come and celebrate with us. After doing so, I also invited my friends, got7 as well as my closest friend, Y/N. 

I dialed her phone number and waited for her to answer.



"Mark? wae?"

"are you busy today?"

"I don't have things to do today. why?"

"I want to invite you. We're having a small celebration for my parent's wedding anniversary."

"Really? Please tell them Happy anniversary for me."

"Sure. Are you coming?"

"Uhmm.. About that, I guess I can't make it. Sorry Mark."


"I.. I need to meet someone."

"Who?" I asked but she remained silent

"Is it Kai?" I asked irritated. I mean, why can't she make time at least for my parents? Why is she so obedient to that player? Why did she even accepted him as her boyfriend? He's not that good enough. He's just a bad boy who plays with girl's heart and she seems like she don't know it. I am better than him but why can't she notice me?

"Mark, I am really sorry. I really wanted to go but.."

"Save it. I don't want to hear more of your excuses. Kai is more important than me, than my family."

"Mark, its not like that.. It's just that my.." before she could continue, I ended the call. 

"hyung, are you okay?" Joey suddenly asked me. 

"She's not coming." I sighed as he went beside me and patted my back. My family knows that I secretly like her but knowing that she's already taken, they just cheered for me and told me to just wait for her. But, how long should I wait for her to notice me?


I was about to explain to Mark but he suddenly ended the call. I sighed feeling sorry for him. Its been a while since we hang out but I always reject him because its either I'm busy with my studies or I'm with Kai.  I just find it really weird for him to change from being a cute guy to a cold guy whenever I mention Kai. Does he really hate my boyfriend? I know he looks like a jerk but I know he isn't. Right? I trust him. 

Anyway, I sent him an apology message but unfortunately, he didn't replied to my message. He must be truly mad at me. I put down my phone and continued preparing for my dinner date with Kai. 



I went to the restaurant 10 minutes earlier. I must be so excited because it's been 2 weeks since we've seen each other and I miss him already. I sat on the chair and waited for him to come.

30 minutes goes by but still, I am alone. The waiter keeps on asking me if I am ready to order but I told them that I am waiting for someone whom I don't know if he will come or not. 

1 hour passed and I decided to text him. I asked him if he forgot our dinner date. He immediately replied telling me that he can't come for he has lots of projects to do. I sighed, I waited for someone who didn't even bother to come. I stood up and apologized to the waiter for not ordering but it seems like they understood my situation. I went outside and walked slowly. As I was strolling, I suddenly saw 2 familiar figures who seemed to be really close and touchy touchy (lol) to each other. I looked closely only to find out that it was actually my fucking boyfriend with our school's fucking slut, Krystal. (NO HATE TO THE COUPLE THO. PLEASE FORGIVE ME) It seems like my boyfriend is having a really happy time for I can see his wide smile. I grabbed my phone and decided to call him. I watched his reaction. from being happy to being annoyed. He answered the call.

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