Secret Admirer {Juho - Neoz}

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Baek Juho's POV
I woke up early in the morning to prepare myself as I need to go to school. I stepped out from my apartment and started
walking on my way to school. As I arrived at the school gates, I saw my friends, Dawon, Rowoon, Chanhee, Taeyang, and Inseong
playing basketball and I approached them. until I decided to join them as I also need to exercise my body. We are having fun
playing until a group of guys, specifically our worst enemy, KNK blocked the court.
As the leader, I went up to them and spoke in behalf of my group.

"What do you want?"

"Well, it seems like you guys are having fun. Can we join you?" Seungjun, the leader of KNK said.

"You can't. Why dont you find other opponents?"

"Woah. chill bro. I just want to have fun with you guys. Why can't we join?"

"Just because." I said nonchalantly

"No reason? You guys must be so weak that you're so afraid to play with us" That mouse mocked

"What did you say?!" I growled as I grabbed his collar and pulled him.

"Why don't we just give them what they want Juho? They are asking for it." Rowoon suddenly butted in
I let go of Seungjun's collar and I take off my blazer. "Let's just end this nonsense." I gritted.
Author's POV
The game soon started. Since the 2 popular groups are currently in a heated game, many students have gathered around the open court
cheering for their preferred group. currently, Neoz are ahead of KNK with 10 points. Seungjun, being a dirty player,decided to
play foul by intentionally kicking Chanhee's knees as he knew that the little guy just recently had a knee injury. Chanhee fell down
as he screamed in pain. Juho, being the leader immediately rushed to Chanhee and asked him if he was okay. Chanhee said that
Seungjun kicked him. Juho's blood boiled as he can never tolerate his members getting hurt. He was angry and infuriated that he
approached Seungjun and punched him. The two groups then started a fight. Before anything could get worst, the prefect of discipline arrived causing the two groups to stop the fight as they were called to the discipline's office and receive their punishment.
KNK and NEOZ both arrived in the discipline's office as they stand their listening to the prefect's lecture. In the midst of
the lecture, soft knocks were heard from the door. The prefect shouted come in and a student entered the office.
Juho wasn't able to move as soon as he saw who the person is. It is her long time crush, Nayeon. What made him fall in love with
her is that she is a gentle and sweet girl that everyone admires. She also has a strong personality despite her soft side which
made him think that she's unique.

"What brings you here Ms. Kim Nayeon?" The prefect asked the girl

"I am here sir to drop the violation slips I collected yesterday."

"Oh, okay then. Thank you. You may go." The prefect said after he get the slips from Nayeon.
Before Nayeon could go, she looked at the group of guys that are in the midst of getting their punishment. She specifically had an eye contact with Juho which made the guy froze on his spot as he doesnt know what to do as his crush is definitely looking at him.
Nayeon broke the contact and went outside the room. He got hurt again. She thought.
not knowingly, Seungjun noticed the changes in Juho's behavior. He smirked as he already know how to win against Juho. He already
knows his weakness.
As Nayeon was walking home, she suddenly felt that someone is following her. She decided to ignore it thinking that maybe that
person also walks the same direction as her. But her suspicions grew as she felt that whenever she stops, the person stops too.
she now knew that she was being followed. She gathered all the courage she has and looked behind her as she saw no one. She was
scared. she walked faster and she can still feel that someone is following her.nShe was about to run when suddenly, a person caught her. Specifically, Seungjun.

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