First date {Mark -NCT}

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Y/N pov
It was winter. There was snow all over the place. The ground, the roof, everything. The world outside was dangerously cold, and the big snow held the houses down and the people in, except for me.

Mark, one of my persistent suitors decided to ask me out on a date. It was really weird of him to ask me out when it is clearly dangerous outside due to the weather but being a stupid person I am, I didn't even hesitate to agree.

I wore a maroon short skirt, with black  stockings. I also matched my skirt with a light pink sweater and a red knitted cap and mittens.

As I was done fixing myself, I went downstairs only to see him, seating at the living room waiting for me

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As I was done fixing myself, I went downstairs only to see him, seating at the living room waiting for me. I approached him and gave him a smile.

"Lets go?"
We arrived at seoul plaza ice skating rink. Honestly, I don't know how to skate but since Mark brought me here, I don't have a choice but to agree. Let's just see if this date would be a success one.

"Y/N, lets go?" He asked as I nodded.
I slowly tried skating on the ice, of course with the help of Mark. He held my hand as he tried to teach me how to skate. There are times that I almost slip but everytime I'm about to slip, he always manages to caught me right on time and everytime he does that, my heart keeps on beating harshly.
After an hour and a half, I started to skate by myself without his help. I then became comfortable skating alone.
As soon as I learned, Mark keeps on teasing me by tickling my waist everytime he pass by me. I then started to chase him. He fastened his pace.
Being a beginner, I can't skate that fast but I still tried. He still keeps on teasing me, showing off his skills. Everytime he pass by me he always look back at me to stuck his tongue out to me. But I guess karma is a bitch.

"MARK LOOK OUT!" I then shouted noticing that he is about to collide with a metal signboard. He then look in front, perfectly hitting his small face on the metal signboard which made a loud sound. He then fell down, face first.
I immediately run towards him. Luckily, there were only few people skating so it was quite not embarrasing.
I help him stood up and brought him outside the skating rink and let him seat on one of the benches.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I cupped his face, examining if there are any bruises, unfortunately there are little scratches on his face.

He shook his head indicating that he is not okay.

"Does it hurt?" I asked him. He nodded again, giving me a pitiful face.

I was about to go to the information desk to ask for a first aid kit when he suddenly grabbed my arm and yanked me, making me land again on the bench.

"Just give me a kiss." He suddenly muttered

"What?" I asked dumbfounded

"Kiss them so they wont hurt anymore. Plllleassseeeee" he pleaded, giving off his cute puppy eyes.

"Aigoo. If you want a kiss, just say so! Stop making excuses." I chuckled

"But it seriously hurts!" He whined

"Arrasseo arrasseo!" I surrendered

I then give him small and short kisses on his bruises which made him smile widely.

"Are you okay now?" I asked again after giving him plenty of kisses

He then shook his head again.

"You missed something." He said

"What did I miss?" I asked curious as I examined his face again for the second time, looking for that spot I have missed when he suddenly cupped my cheeks.

"You forgot this." He said as he closed the gap between us, leaning in to kiss me on my lips.

It was indeed a memorable and sweet first date and I can't wait for our next date.

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