Unrequited Love {Junhoe- IKON}

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Junhoe's POV
I was your closest friend. We were so close that everyone had mistakenly think that we're a couple. How I wish it was true.
You always ask me to accompany you wherever you go. You always talk to me to share your daily stories. Even though you already told me those stories, I still didn't stopped you from sharing because I would never get tired of hearing those laughs that comes from your mouth. You are my world. You are my everything that is why I decided to confess but I guess the world is against me.

You called me that day, you told me you have a surprise. I said yes thinking that it would be the perfect timing. I prepared so much for that day. I want to look presentable to you.
I thought this would be the best day of my life but I was wrong.

That day was the day I officially lose you.

I met with you at our favorite place. I approached you and you smiled brightly. I love that smile. I'm so happy that I was the reason of that smile not until someone took the chair beside you. He called you an endearment that I wished I was the one who is saying it. You introduced him to me. You told me that he's your boyfriend. That is when I realized that I was too late. You are taken. You are someone's girlfriend now. I completely lost the love of my life. I have no other choice but to accept and regret. Accept the fact that you were no longer will be at my side, accept the fact that you belong to someone else, Accept the fact that there would never be an us. Regret that I tooked so long to confess, Regret that I didn't fought for you, Regret that I didn't have the chance to prove my love for you.

Seeing you smile makes me feel that you're indeed happy. Maybe he's the guy you've been waiting for. Maybe he's better than me. Maybe he's the one that will provide you all the love that you needed. I am so dumb to even think that I might be the one who is perfect for you. I am so stupid thinking that you liked me back. I am so stupid thinking that we could be a couple without realizing that I was just indeed a friend to you.

Even though it hurts, I have no choice but to face reality. I faced you with a smile on my face saying, CONGRATULATIONS.

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