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This imagine was requested by IrMark. I am deeply sorry for taking so long to do this imagine. Its just that I need to focus on my studies first since it was our finals. I finished this today since we are already on our first day of term break! YEAY! Thank you for waiting and hope that you like this imagine!

 I finished this today since we are already on our first day of term break! YEAY! Thank you for waiting and hope that you like this imagine!

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Graduation Day

Irma's POV

Today is the most awaited time of the year. Finally, after passing all the requirements, thesis, and all those mental breakdowns  I will finally graduate and  get my diploma. All my hardworks and hardships really paid off and I'm really glad I finished my course. My parents attended and they're really happy and proud of me that I finally finished my studies and soon, I will have my own job already. 

By the authority vested in me as the representative of  Mr. Kim Won Shik, Secretary of the Department of Education, Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent and having been presented and duly certified by the district supervisor that you have completed the basic requirements prescribed by the Department of Education under the Basic Education Curriculum, I now confirm you College students, Completers of Korea University for school year 2015-2016. Congratulations! Mrs. Yoon, our school's principal declared. All of us, seniors then turned our tassels from right to left to signify that we have gained a college degree. Everyone cheered for us, our family, our friends, and our professors. We are all glad that after  studying so hard for 4 years, we finally ended our journey. Sooner, we will be having our own lives as well. Each and everyone of us tossed our graduation cap as a common celebratory act for graduates. My parents then walked up to me and gave me a bouquet of flowers and congratulated me. 

"You don't know how proud we are for you, our daughter." My mom said as she started getting emotional. I am an only child so it means a lot to them. 

"you made us proud, Irma." My father added as they both gave me a hug. 

"Thank you mom and dad for supporting me in my studies. Congratulations to us!" I beamed as I gave them a smile. I still feel ecstatic since I can't believe I really finished my degree. 

"Let's go now? We still need to celebrate!" My mom said as I nodded. 


I am at my house now, currently packing my things since I'll moved to Seoul tomorrow morning. since I already graduated, there's no reason for me to stay here in Daegu so I decided to go to Seoul and look for a job. It's quite hard since I will be away from my family but I know its for the best since I can gain more job opportunities in Seoul. 

"Irma, you have a visitor." My mom suddenly walked in my room and asked me to come down which I did. I was shocked as soon as I reached the living room, seeing the guy who visited me late at night.

"Tae?" I called as he looked back at me and smiled.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked me as I nodded. I grabbed my coat and went outside with him. He brought me to the nearby park.

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