Unspoken {Jisung- nct dream}

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Kim Seol Gi's POV

I'm on my way to my locker when I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Ah!" I exclaimed as I fell on the floor. I looked up to see who bumped into me, only to be surprised. It was actually Jisung, my long time crush.

"Mian." He apologized while offering his hand which I gladly took. I stood up and fixed my skirt. I was about to apologize to him but when I looked back at him, he was already gone. I sighed. I didn't even had the chance to talk to him. Why is he so distant and cold? I thought.

I went to my locker, disappointed. When I opened my locker, I saw again another love letter and also chocolates. It didn't surprised me because since last month, I'm always receiving a letter or a gift from an anonymous person. It always states how he admires me from a far and how I can make his day. At first, I was creeped out but as time goes by, I just simply ignored it. I kept the letters and as for the gifts and the food, I always give it to my friends or my classmates. I mean, why would I accept something from a stranger, right?

I placed the letter and the gift inside my bag and closed my locker. When I was about to leave, a person blocked me. It was Chen Le. I sighed again for the nth time. Chen Le is one of my classmates who keeps on bothering me. He even confessed to me that he likes me, but I rejected him but being a persistent person he is, he chose to continue courting me even though I already said no. He is just too persistent and it already annoys me sometimes.

"Hi Seol Gi!" He greeted while widely smiling at me

"Hi." I shorty replied

"Let's go to the classroom together?" He offered which I accepted. I have no choice because even if I reject him, he will still ask me the same question until I say yes.

We then both entered our classroom, luckily, he is not my seatmate or else, I will always be distracted because of his constant talking. I immediately left him behind and proceeded to my seat, which is unfortunately beside Jisung.

"Hi!" I greeted while giving him the sweetest smile I can pull off. But unfortunately, he just ignored me by placing his earphones into his ears and listened to the music. He even made the volume higher. I guess he doesn't want to talk to me. I sadly thought. Luckily, the teacher already went inside, distracting me from feeling dejected.


It was lunch time, me and my friend, Eun bi decided to eat together at the canteen since she is from another section and it is the only time we can hangout.

"So, did you receive another letter or a gift from your secret admirer?" she teasingly asked

"Yeah." I mumbled

"Why are you sad?! You're lucky that you have an admirer!"

"I don't even know who this is so why would I be happy receiving a gift from a person whom I don't even know? Who knows? He might be a stalker." I said in a matter-in-fact tone

"Aigoo. you're so pessimistic." She chuckled

"Anyway, don't you even have any idea who might be your admirer?" She continued

"How would I know? There's no one who is showing a sign that likes me aside from Chen Le." I sighed

"So you're thinking that it is from Chen Le?" She asked and I nodded. I mean, who else is it gonna be right?

"But if Chen Le is your admirer, don't you think its kind of strange?" She asked


"I mean, he already confessed to you so why is he still sending you letters if he could just tell you that personally?"

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