Unconditionally {Mingyu & Wonwoo - Seventeen}

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Week before the start of classes
<At the Dorm>
Mingyu's POV
I am on my way to my new dorm when I saw a familiar face whom I wished not to see ever in my life. She is also on her way inside the dorm. She probably noticed that someone was glaring at her so she suddenly looked back which made me froze. She caught me watching her. She was about to say something but I immediately broke the contact as I continued walking inside the dorm and pretended that I didnt see her.

Aissh, why of all dorms, she chose to stay here? Is she following me? Haven't she moved on? Aishh, my handsome face really amazes me. Im having troubles with it. Does she want me back? I thought as I inserted the key to my room and greeted my new dormmate.

"Oh hey!" He greeted

"Hi!" I smiled at him. He looks fine to me. I mean, he's pale, he has this small penetrating eyes and his smile is really attractive which can make all girls melt. His voice is also deep and he is also full of charisma but, Im still better. Hahaha

"What's your name?" He asked

"Kim Mingyu. And you are?"

"Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo." He replied with a smile

"Since we're dormmates, I guess we need to get to know each other more." I offered

"Yeah sure."

Author's POV
For the whole week of preparation for the upcoming classes, Wonwoo and Mingyu got along really well. They become close immediately and they could already consider themselves as brothers.
There are also times that he sees Y/N but he chose to ignore her after what happened 6 months ago


"Lets break up."


"Mingyu, Lets end our relationship."

"Yah Y/N, dont be like this" Mingyu pleaded as tears escaped from his eyes

"Please Mingyu..."

"Why? Did I do something wrong? Please Tell me Y/N. We can fix this right?" Mingyu hopefully said

"Mingyu, listen to me. I dont want to be with you anymore. Im tired of everything."

"Do, do you love someone else?"

"N-No!! Its just that..."

"Then why!? Why are you suddenly leaving me!?" Mingyu exploded

"Because I dont want you to be hurt." Y/N whispered

"But you're hurting me Y/N!!" Mingyu shouted

"Just let me go Mingyu."

"I won't! I won't accept this! I won't leave you unless you tell me that you don't love me anymore!"

"Mingyu you're making things complicated!"

"wae? You can't say it right? I know you still love me. I Know you still do. You're just pretending, right?"


"Then why can't you tell me that while looking at my eyes?" Mingyu challenged as he tightly held both of Y/N's arms.

"If I do that, will you finally let me go?" Y/N asked which made Mingyu froze.

"I.Don't.Love.You.Anymore Mingyu." Y/N said as Mingyu loosen his grip which Y/N took as a chance to escape from him and leave him.

From that moment, Mingyu died already, not physically but emotionally. The person he loved the most left him and he didn't do anything to make her stay. But he can't blame himself either for she already made it clear that she doesn't love him anymore. What's the point of chasing someone who doesn't want to stay?

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