The One {Chanyeol & ...}

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I went to Holly's Cafe, my favorite cafe in Seoul. I entered the cafe as I inhaled the coffee scent. The staffs welcome me as I greeted them back. I straightly went to the cashier to order.

"Welcome to Holly's! May I take your order?" the waiter said

"Good Morning. Can I have an iced Caramel Macchiato?" I asked as I smiled at the waiter

"sure. Is it for here or to go?"

"For here" I replied

"Coming right up maam! You can just have a seat anywhere you want and we're just going to serve it on your table. Thank you!"

"You're Welcome" I said as I searched for a vacant seat near the window.

As I was waiting for my drink, someone suddenly called me


I turned around as I was shocked to see the guy whom I wished to never see again. Seeing his face immediately made me reminisce
our memories.

"Yumi, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you be my wife?" Chanyeol asked me as he kneeled
down in front of our family. He actually told me that we're just going to have a family dinner at his house but it turned out to be the day that he would ask me to marry him. without any doubts, I immediately said yes as he stood up and hugged me tighly saying how much he loves me. It was the best day of my life.
During the early months of our wedding preparation, I am still happy feeling excited for the upcoming wedding. He always accompany
me whenever we need to meet up with our wedding planner and such. But everything changed when he was asked to go to US because of his job as a CEO of the company.

"Oppa, when will you go back?" I asked him as I am already crying because I know that I wouldn't see him for so long.

"I'll just going to stay there for a year. Don't worry okay? I'll be back" he promised

After he left me, we are still in good terms. We often communicate even though the time is completely different. Sometimes while chatting, he suddenly falls asleep but I don't mind. At least he was trying. I thought we're going to make things work but it didn't.
6 months had passed, he suddenly become more busy than usual. I understand him cause maybe the company is having troubles and since he is the CEO, he will take the responsibility for everything that may happen. Our every day chat became twice a month and such. It turned out that I was the only one who's planning and organizing things for our wedding. I suddenly became depressed as I already miss him. My sudden change was noticed by our parents and His dad suggested that what if I surprise Chanyeol by visiting him on his work. At first I rejected because I might be just a distraction but since his whole family encouraged me, I have no choice but to do it and of course I also wanted it so I did it.

I travelled going to states thinking of what would be his reaction as I surprise him, but I never thought that I would be the one whose going to be surprised.

I arrived at his apartment in US. I do have spare keys to his room since his dad gave it to me before I left Korea. I inserted the key as I slowly entered his apartment and tiptoed when I suddenly drop my belongings as I was shocked with what I have witnessed.
I saw Chanyeol on the couch with a girl who is seating on his lap as they shared a passionate kiss. I froze. I don't know what to do at that time. I can't believe that my 5 year boyfriend whom I am going to marry soon is having an affair. I trusted him so much but he betrayed me. As soon as he saw me, he immediately pushed the girl and approached me defending himself.

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