Author's Note

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Hello guys!
Well, I have 2 news for you.
A good news and a bad news.
So, lets start first with the bad news...
I decided to close the request box already since Im ending this book. I know many people wouldnt care ahahaha! I'm just reminding you incase you're interested ahaha! I've seen that many people voted and commented in my imagine which made me so happy. I even reached 12k views with my shitty stories. I feel so blessed to have you guys!
I just have one remaining imagine to finish so after doing that, I will officially close this imagine.

As for the good news,
Its entitled "LOVE HOUSE" featuring of course my lovely boys and Gfriend's Eunha.
at first I decided to make it Lisa from Blackpink but I tried looking for her photos but there are only few and can't be applied to some of the scenarios so I decided to just use Eunha as the main lead!
I do hope that you'll still continue to support me to my new book! Please search for it and try reading it! I already posted the casts and the prelogue so, check it out guys!
That's all and LOVELOTS!❤️

PS: I would also like to congratulate my babies for winning Best album of the year (MMA) and Artist of the year (MAMA)
I watched it on TV and I literally cried. I bawled my eyes out once I saw Yoongi broke down. It hurts my heart to see them cry but knowing that it's tears of joy made me feel so happy. Creating multiple of accounts for MAMA was totally worth it! Ahahaha ❤️

 Creating multiple of accounts for MAMA was totally worth it! Ahahaha ❤️

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