Birthday Surprise {Wonwoo- Seventeen}

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Kang Minah's POV
Today is my boyfriend's birthday and I feel so nervous right now. I don't know how to surprise him. I'm not good with these kind of things so I tried texting my friend asking her on how to surprise him.

"Shinhye! What should I do? Today is his birthday! I even don't know if he will like my gift :( "

"Minah, why don't you surprise him at his home? I bet he's lonely because his parents are working overseas. as for your gift, don't worry I'm sure he will like it!"

"Do you think it would work?"

"Yes! He will like it! I know it considering that he's drop dead in love with you so probably everything that you give to him will be highly appreciated!"

"Yah! stop teasing me. Anyway, I guess I'll take your advice! Thank you!"

After asking for my bestfriend's advice, I immediately took a bath and prepared myself to surprise Wonwoo. I wore a baby blue dress and matched it with a white doll shoes. I also tied my hair in braid and placed it on my right shoulder. I wore a light makeup. Before I leave my house, I double checked my gift which is a book since he is a bookworm. After checking, I immediately went out of the house and rode a bus.
I immediately went out of the bus as soon as I arrived in the correct station. I bought a cake first before going to his house. As soon as I reached his home, I silently unlocked the door. I walked with lighter steps to make sure that I will be unnoticed. I sighed after confirming that no one's home. Well, I can have more time to decorate and prepare myself before he comes home. I thought.

Author's POV
While Minah is preparing her surprise for her boyfriend, Wonwoo is currently hanging out with his friends playing basketball. After the game, he immediately went to the nearest bench beside the court and looked for his phone noticing that his girlfriend left a message for him.

"Happy Birthday Wonwoo!"

"That's it?" Wonwoo thought. "She didn't even said I love you to me." Wonwoo thought and replied to his girlfriend.

"Thanks Jagiya! I love you😘❤️"Anyway, Let's go out later? I miss you!😘😘"

Wonwoo's phone immediately blinked, meaning that he received a text.

"Mian Wonu 😔 I need to do something later. I'll just see you when I'm free okay?😊"


Wonwoo felt dejected as he read the text. She didn't say " I love you"or even "I miss you too" back. Does she not miss him? He sighted heavily. He was about to call her girlfriend but someone called for his attention.

Wonwoo-ah! Today is your birthday! Are you going to spend your whole day with us? Seungcheol asked

He's right hyung. Aren't you suppose to have a date with Minah noona? She might feel jealous cause you're with us and not her. Vernon interjected

How I wish she's jealous that I'm not with her but it's like that she's fine without me. Wonwoo thought.

Yeah. But sadly she said she has something MORE important to do. Wonwoo replied as he emphasized the word "more."

Author's POV
After Wonwoo said that, he immediately sulked thinking that there is something more important than him in Minah's life. He felt unwanted. Yes, he fully understand Minah thinking that she has things to do as she holds a lot of responsibilities as a student. It's not like he's being selfish or immature not to understand that but today was his birthday. He just wanted to be with his girlfriend on his special day but instead, he's here hanging out with his friends. It's not that he's not happy with his friends but he really wanted to spend his day with Minah. Is he asking too much attention from her?

Seventeen noticed Wonwoo's sulky expression. They sighted thinking that they can't do anything to make Wonwoo's day happy without Minah. Mingyu, being his bestfriend suggested that they should just go home since it's already in the afternoon. He knew that his bestfriend is having a hard time right now and he needed to be alone. Seventeen bid their goodbyes to Wonwoo as he started walking home.
Author's POV
As Minah finishes her decorations, she suddenly heard keys clinging. She got nervous as she knows that it was none other than Wonwoo. She immediately hid behind the Kitchen's counter as she waited for the guy to enter his house.
Wonwoo entered his house and plopped his whole body on the sofa feeling exhausted physically because of basketball and emotionally because he misses his girlfriend. As he was trying to shut his eyes, he suddenly heard someone singing, particularly his girlfriend.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday my dear Wonwoo, Happy Birthday to you.."

Wonwoo was shocked. He can't believe that all this time, his girlfriend was planning to surprise him on his birthday. He felt guilty as he was doubting a while ago if Minah did really love him that she chose something over him. And that something was actually her surprise for him. He felt loved as he saw how his girlfriend exerted too much effort to make his day special. He slowly approached the girl that was holding the cake

"Make a wish Wonwoo"

Wonwoo immediately obeyed his girlfriend. He wished that everything will be the same as it is right now. He wished that Minah will forever be his and he is hoping that they will be happy. As soon as he finished, He blew all the candles and looked at his girlfriend lovingly as he tries to remove the cake from her hands.

"Wonwoo, did you like it? Were you surprised?"

Wonwoo suddenly hugged his girlfriend. Minah was confused why is her boyfriend acting weird until Wonwoo started to speak.

"I really love it Minah. Thank you for making my day extra special. I appreciate it. Thank you for staying with me. I love you so much."

Minah was so touched that she hugged him back and said

"I also love you Wonwoo-ah. Happy Birthday once again."

"I was so sad a while ago Jagiya. I thought I will be alone on this day."

Mian Wonwoo. I needed some alibi to make my surprise successful. Please forgive me hmm?

Minah looked up to just to meet Wonwoo's eyes that are admiring her. Love is evident in his eyes as he smiles. Wonwoo cupped her cheeks and said,

I'm glad that we're together celebrating my birthday. I'm really happy. I really appreciate your efforts. I love you so much Minah. Thank you.

And he kissed Minah on her lips.
And that's how they spent his birthday.

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