Heal you {Eunwoo-Astro}

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Rikki's POV
Its starting all over again
Both of my parents are arguing
Apparently, My mom discovered that my dad is cheating on her again for the nth time.
My dad? He admitted to it and he doesnt even give a shit to my mom.
He even taunted her that he's going to leave her, us soon.
But my mom truly loves my dad so no matter what happens, she will still accept him.

Why can't I have a normal family just like the others?
Why can't I have loving friends who will always watch over me and will always make me feel loved.
Why can't I have someone to lean on?

Being sick of all the screams and sounds of glasses being broken, I went outside.
The outside world is more peaceful than our house. I went to a convenience store and purchased a pack of cigarette.
I went out after paying the cashier, I stood beside the store and lit my stick.
I placed it between my mouth as I inhale the smoke, letting the nicotine invade and explore my lungs, as I exhale it out. I am in the midst of enjoying the stick when someone suddenly stood in front of me and snatched the cigarette away from my mouth as he threw it and stepped on it.


"You shouldn't do this kind of vices."

"Who are you to tell me what I am supposed to do?"

"Rikki, Im just concerned."

"I dont need your companion or whatsoever. Just because you're the class president, you can go meddling into my business. Fuck off Eunwoo." I said to him and was about to walk away when he suddenly grabbed my arm

"If you have a problem Rikki, Im here to listen to you, Im here to pro-"

"Dont act like you know me, Eunwoo. I don't want your pity on me." I gritted as I harshly yanked back my arm from his grip and left him standing there.

I went to school and as usual, I am too early. It is because I am eager to leave the house which I used to call "home".
I prefer going to school and study rather than staying at home and hear the unending arguements of my parents.
I went straight to the rooftop, my getaway.
It is a place where I could relax since its too quiet in here. No one dared to go up here because apparently, everyone knows I own this place and no one dared to go against me cause everyone is scared of me.
I sat down at the very edge of the rooftop and let my feet dangling.
I then searched for my most essential item on my pocket.
As soon as I touched it, I smiled to myself. I touched it with my right hand, caressing it while admiring its sharp edge. I then pointed it on my right arm and slowly but deeply draw it to my skin. I can see blood coming out and I can see a hint of my flesh from the deep cut.
I was satisified as I can feel the pain. I then continued cutting my arm.

I made Six cuts. I smiled in contentment as I placed back the blade on my pocket. I then stood up, feeling dizzy. Blood continues to flow on my arm and it is starting to drip on the floor. Feeling lifeless, I tried to walk but my legs suddenly gave up.
I fell on the floor, smiling.

Is my pain about to end?

the door suddenly flung open, revealing him again, Cha Eunwoo. The guy who always ruin my plans of taking my own life. The person who always keeps on bothering me and meddling with my life. Such a nosy person.

He then kneeled in front of me as he placed my head on his lap. He keeps on calling for my name but I can't reply. Im too tired to answer back. My eyes are slowly closing. I suddenly felt that I am being carried. I just let him be as I am too tired to argue and I just let the darkness took over me.

Cha Eunwoo pov
I brought Rikki at the clinic. The nurse
Immediately gave her attention to her as she wrapped a bandage to her wounds and add pressure to stop it from bleeding. Fortunately, I saved her immediately or else, she would have been losing too much blood right now. I sighed, feeling disappointed at her. I know she's a lovely person but why did she choose to be someone who is completely opposite of her. I tried to reach out for her but she always rejects me. Im concerned about her because its been years since she caught my attention. I really admire her. I've been crushing on her since middle school. She used to be a sweet girl that everyone loves. She's kind and playful. She also loves to play the piano which made me like her even more. She is also one of the top students. She's really perfect. My admiration towards her soon bloomed and turned into love. But suddenly, the innocent and lovely girl that I know suddenly changed. She became cold. She started isolating herself from other people so they let her be. She lost all of her friends. She then started to rebel. She started smoking and cutting herself. I still believe that she's the same person. The one that everyone admires. But Im really curious on what made this precious gem change all of a sudden?

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