Who to love? {BTS PART 3}

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You accompanied Minah to look for her phone. Both of you entered the woods and look for it. After minutes of searching, you started doubting her. How did she left her phone in the woods? Did she went here? You thought.

"Minah, are you sure you left it here? I really can't find it." You said

"Actually, It's not missing."

You were confused by her sudden confession. Why the hell did she told you it was missing wherein it's with her the whole time. Is she playing with me? You thought

"What?! We went here to search for something that is not missing?! Are you crazy!? You wasted our time!" You shouted feeling irritated because of her stupid action.

"It's because you are so gullible Reena." She mocked

You really want to punch her right in her face but since you are a daughter of heavenly father, you decided not to get angry.

"You know what, Let's just go back to the camp." You sighted.

As you started walking, Minah run up to you and pushed you. You were caught off guard that is why you immediately lost your balance and fell down. Your knee scraped. You hissed as you felt the pain. You immediately look up to face Minah.

"What's wrong with you!? Why did you do that?!"

"It's for you to know where you belong. Stop seducing Jimin. He's mine and remember that. He left you for me so stop having high hopes that he will left me for you because it will never happen."

"So it's about Jimin? For your information, I'm not seducing him. Bear this in your mind Minah, Just so you know, if he cheated on me before, there will also be a high chance that he will cheat on you."

Minah was dumbfounded. What you said makes sense but she's denying it. She won't accept the fact. She will do anything, even if she needs to kill you just not to lose Jimin.

"He won't do that! We are two different persons Reena. He will not cheat on me. You're just saying that so that you can get your revenge on me, but it won't affect me. Have fun staying here in the dark. No one will save you." Minah stated as she left you.

You felt angry and scared at the same time. You don't know what to do. your knees scraped. You began to panic because you're lost but instead of crying the whole night, you tried your best to stand up and walk and search for the cabin thinking that what Minah told you was true. That no one will save you.

<At the Cabin>
Everyone gathered around as they started the bonfire. Taehyung and Jimin glared to each other as soon as they had eye contact but immediately broke it off as the facilitator started talking. Taehyung searched for the girl he's dying to see but felt disappointed as he can't see you. Is she mad at me? He thought. After a couple of minutes, he started getting worried so he went to your cabin and knocked. He was scared since after several times of knocking and calling your names, you were still not answering. He has no choice but to barge in the room but unfortunately, the room was empty. He fished out his phone and dialed your number. As he was calling you, he heard a sound coming from the bed. He approached the bed and saw that you left your phone. He began to panic. He knows that you are afraid of being alone and being in the dark since you were young. He rushed out from your room but was blocked by Jimin.

"Why are you here?" Jimin asked.

"It's none of your business. now move" Taehyung hissed as he is really in a hurry. He knows that you are in danger. As he tries to overtake Jimin, he was immediately pulled back.

"Where is Reena?"

"Reena's missing! Now can you please move?!" Taehyung shouted as he immediately run off.

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