Love is not over {Taehyung - BTS}

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Taehyung's POV

Wake up






That's our routine for the past months.

I ignored you

I left you alone, suffering

Without even feeling guilty

Our relationship that was so perfect is now slowly fading

To withstand it more, to sustain it more

So hard, it was impossible

As time passes

It just becomes more ruined

Its collapsing

I say it like a habit

We won't work in the end


Lately I've been thinking

Thinking about what we had,

I know it was hard especially for you,

you've been drinking

To take all the pain away

I wish that I could give you what you deserve

realizing all my mistakes,

realizing how much I've hurt you

How much you care for me

how much you love me

And how stupid I am to let temptations blind me for realizing how much I love you,

I regretted everything.

But I guess it was too late

Just all like those dry leaves, our love is falling without strength

How much I tried to reach out, your heart just goes far away

I can't catch you

I can't hold onto you

your words and expressions became cold at some point

I can see that our relationship is fading

it's shattering, I see the end

Just like dead leaves becoming dried

I wish I could bring back time

I want the old you that meets my eyes

I want the old you that wants me again

Tell me why, you're so far away,

Can't you see me in your eyes anymore?

please don't go far away

please don't leave me



The day you gathered all your courage

Saying how much you loved me

But things needed to end if it keeps giving pain

You were leaving,

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