Suitor - {Hoshi - SVT}

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URGHH! seriously! that kid really ruins my day! I hate going to school because I'm going to see his face again.

It's been fucking 5 months since that little piece of shit (no hate tho, I LOVE HOSHI) started following me everywhere I go. I just fucking hate it when someone is ruining my peaceful moment. I hate clingy guys. I hate people meddling with my life. Can they just leave me alone? It's my life anyway.

This kid, seriously gives me headache. Everytime I go to school, I can always see him waiting for me at my locker while smiling widely at me whenever he sees me. He's the reason why I am always in detention. It is because I can't get my books because I don't want too talk nor see him. So I end up getting scolded by the professor for not bringing any reading material. They now think that I am a rebellious student who doesn't give a shit on her studies.
Why is he so persistent in asking me out tho? I rejected him a lot of times but he keeps on saying that " I won't give up on you. someday you'll love me back." Urgh, gosh I hate him. I feel like I'm always being watched. Such a stalker. He creeps me out seriously. There was this moment wherein I went to Busan alone to celebrate my 18th birthday and to enjoy life. It was a perfect getaway until I discovered that he followed me in Busan. Like wtf is wrong with him. He even rented the room beside my hotel room. What an actual creep. Seriously. I immediately went home after I found out that he followed me there. He just ruined my birthday celebration.

And here I am, at school, 6 fucking in the morning. I can't do anything. I mean, it is the only way I can escape from him, by going to school earlier than usual and get my books so I won't get detention anymore. I went to my classroom and fixed my things. I then decided to sleep since it is too early. classes starts at 7:30 and here I am at school at 6:00 am. What a life.

Feeling that something is tickling my nose, I slowly opened my eyes only to see a face, too close to mine which scared the shit out of me.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed loudly which made me lose my balance on my chair. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but I felt nothing. Not literally felt nothing but, Instead of falling on the cold, hard ground, I fell on something hard, but not too hard(if you get what I mean). I can hear his heartbeat and heavy breathing. I can also smell his sweet scent which made me smile and ask for more. Is this my prince charming? My dreams and thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly heard his voice.

"Are you okay?" I immediately opened my eyes  realizing that the voice is very familiar. REALLY FAMILIAR. I looked at him and I REALIZED I WAS ACTUALLY ON TOP OF THE PERSON WHOM I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH. THE FACT THAT I EVEN FANTASIZED ABOUT HIM MADE ME CURSE IN MY MIND. I immediately stood up.

"Are you okay?" he asked me again as he also stood up and scanned me. he grabbed my shoulders and searched for any bruises. I slightly looked at his face which showed how worried he is. It made my heart flutter but still, I HATE HIM. I then pushed him away.

"don't touch me." I coldly said.

"I..I'm sorry." He murmured. He then looked at me and smiled.

"Glad that you're okay." He said and showed me his eye smile. His eyes making a 10:10.

I ignored him and fixed my chair as I sat on it. I looked away from him. I then heard him sigh as he slowly walked away. I slightly looked at him while he was walking and I noticed that he's holding his left arm. Is he hurt? I thought

Guilt started to creep on me but I brushed it off. It's not my fault anyway that he's hurt. If he didn't scare the shit out of me, it won't happen.


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