Rivals {Baekhyun- EXO}

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Today is the day where me and Y/N are going out on a date.
I wore something casual but with sophisticated look. I wore black sweater, black pants, and a black cap. I wanna look hot today for Y/N so that she can drool over me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I hopped into my black car and drove to Y/N's place.
I arrived at Y/N's house. I checked first my face and my hair before ringing the doorbell. After a minute or so, the door was opened by none other than my girlfriend, Y/N. I greeted her with a hug and a kiss on her lips. She closed the door after letting me in and asked me to seat on the couch as I wait for her to get ready.
She went upstairs and I was left alone at the living room. After 5 minutes, someone rang the doorbell. I stood up and opened the door to be greeted by an ahjumma. It must be Y/N's neighbor or something.

"Annyeong haseyo" i bowed politely

"Ommo. Annyeong haseyo. Is Y/N there?" She asked

"Ne. But she's upstairs changing. Would you like to wait for her?"

"Ah yes please. " she responded

I opened the door widely to let her enter and I noticed that she's with a male kid. I accompanied her to the living room and made her seat as I offered her a drink which she politely refused. After doing so, Y/N is now on her way down the stairs

As I was finished doing my makeup, I immediately went downstairs for I don't want Baekhyun to wait for me any longer. We both know that we are so excited for this date. As I was walking downstairs, I saw the ahjumma on my neighborhood seating on my living room together with a little kid which made me curious on why she was here.

"Oh!? Ahjumma!" I beamed

"Y/N-ah..." She smiled at me

"Why did you visit me? What's the matter?" I asked her

"Well, I do have this little problem. I need to go to my work but I can't bring my grandchild. I can't leave him alone at the house. I would like to ask for a favor, can I leave him here for a while? I promise he is a good kid and he is not troublesome!" She pleaded

"Ahjumma, but I...." When I was about to say sorry that I can't be with her grandchild, I was interrupted by a phone ringing which turned out to be the ahjumma's phone. She answered the call and it looks like its urgent. She immediately hung up and faced me

"I'm sorry darling but I really need to go. I leave him to you! Goodbye!"

Before I could protest, she hurriedly went outside my house leaving her grandchild. There was a moment of silence as I'm still processing on what just happened. I looked at Baekhyun who looks really sad because we can't go on our date. I stared at the kid who is also staring back at me. I heave a sigh knowing that I can't do anything. I approached the little guy and kneeled in front of him

"Uhmm. So Hi. What's your name?" I asked awkwardly

"Tae-oh" he shortly replied

"Well Tae-oh, I'm Y/N and this is Baekhyun." I said pointing at Baekhyun who still wears his disappointed face with a pout.
Taeoh just simply nodded and didn't bother to look at Baekhyun. I asked him if he could stay first at the living room for I needed to settle things first with Baekhyun and the kid immediately obeyed.

I approached the sulking Baekhyun as I hugged him from his waist

"Oppa, Mianhae."

"What are we going to do now? We can't spend time together anymore" he pouted

"We can just stay here for today. At least we are together and that's the only thing that matters right?"

"But..." Before he could finish what he was about to say, I kissed him on his lips to shut him up

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