The new guy {Myungsoo - Infinite}

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You're currently in your classroom waiting for the class to start. You were listening to a song. Your classmates were having fun by throwing papers to each other, reading magazines, chatting about the newest video games and etc. You're so bored that you decided to look outside the school's window. There, you saw someone walking. You were captured by his appearance. He's pale, tall, and handsome. Is he a new guy? You thought.
The teacher already entered the room as she placed her teaching materials on the table. She checked the attendance and started teaching Math, your hatest subject. You are so bored to think about critical things that's why you decided to just look outside the window. While your teacher is teaching, the boring discussion was interrupted by a sudden knock. You still didn't looked up as you were still focused on the beautiful scenery. You heard the door opened and you saw someone stood in front of the class by your peripheral vision. The teacher called for everyone's attention so you decided to look in front only to see him again. He introduced himself, his name is Kim Myungsoo. Every girl in the class are blushing since its their first time to see a handsome person like him. You were also amazed by his good looks but knowing guys, they would just probably left you after they flirt with you.

You're too focused on your thoughts that you failed to hear that the teacher told Myungsoo to seat beside you. You're shocked after realizing that you're sitting beside him and you can already see girls glaring at you but you don't care.
The classes finally ended. You were about to go home when Myungsoo suddenly stopped you from going.

"What?" You asked

"Aren't you going to give me a tour around school?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're my seatmate and you were supposed to guide me." He mocked

He is right. It's a rule in your school that if your seatmate is a new student, you're obliged to give them a tour.

"Tss. Arasseo follow me."

So basically, you gave him a tour around school. You learned that he likes music just like you. You share the same hobbies like photography. Both of you also loves to eat, especially meat. It's like both of you were a perfect match. He even promised to teach you writing music because it was your dream to compose your own song. By music, you two became close to each other.

After sometime, he auditioned to Woolim entertainment and was accepted. He needs to attend an overseas tour for two weeks. He asked you to meet him at the park and you agreed.
As you walked down the stairs, you immediately saw Myungsoo and he approached you.

"I came to say goodbye. I have overseas tour for two weeks. I can't call you since my schedule is packed."

you just listened and looked at him as he brought out his phone and send something. You felt your phone vibrated inside your pocket so you looked at it and it was actually a message from Myungsoo as he sent you his selfie.

"Look at it when you miss me." He smiled

You smiled looking at the photo. Myungsoo took this chance to take a photo of you which caught you off guard as you looked at him.

"This is mine. I'll miss you a lot."

"Have a nice time. And thank you for everything Myungsoo-ah. Thank you for teaching me about music. I always had fun with you. You're actually a good guy when you come to think of it." You stated

"Yah, what's wrong with you? It looks like you're the one who's going to leave."

"it's because you're saying goodbye, so I think I should tell nice things too."

"You're so weird Y/N." He laughed

"Aishh. Anyway, I don't like your picture. You look like a fish. Let's take it again together."

You went beside him and took out your phone to take a photo.

"Yah, smile! It's our last photo!" You complained as you fixed the phone.

"I'll take it now. One, two, .."

As you pressed the capture button, he immediately kissed you on your cheeks. You were shocked by his sudden action. Your eyes widen by the sudden skinship. It was the first time he actually did something and you didn't expect him to actually do that.

"I hope you like this picture. See you when I return." He said as he turned his back on you and started walking away with a smile on his face leaving you dumbfounded. You smiled after realizing what he did and you muttered "Pabo."

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