Tutor {Jimin - BTS}

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Thunder's POV

My life as a student is something you tend to see in every Korean drama.

Prestigious school with complete and high-tech facilities

Trendy uniforms

and of course, we won't miss out the students.

as expected, there are Kingkas and Queenkas who everyone adores

there are the preppy ones

the jock ones

the nerd ones

the bad ones

and lastly,

the bullied ones

I guess I would initiate to categorize myself under the bullied ones.

not because I'm ugly

not because I'm weird

not because I'm a teacher's pet

certainly, not because I'm a nerd

but, because of Park Jimin.

YES. You saw it right.

Park Jimin.

Well, he's the most ideal guy you can ever met in your entire life.

Everyone likes him,

Including me.

I mean, who wouldn't? He's the definition of PERFECT.

He's hot

he has this smirk that would literally make you needy (if you know what I mean)

He's passionate, especially when it comes to dancing

I also like it when he really concentrates on what he is doing.

Everyone sees him as the ideal type of man.

And I certainly do agree with them.

You may be wondering why I am bullied because of him

Well, out of more than 2000 students in our school, I am the most fortunate one


He's my private tutor.

I mean I didn't expect it at first!

But I am happy 😂😂

Because of this private tutor thingy, we became close. We get to know each other and more.

I also get to know his attitude more.

He's actually two-faced

In real life, he's actually



cute, fluffy munchkin


a Pabo

Who would have thought that this hot guy that everyone likes has also a cute side whom he never showed to everyone

Except for me.

Whenever he tutors me at my home, he suddenly changes from being irresistibly hot to cute. And I prefer the cute ones ❤️❤️

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