Jealous {I.M - Monsta X}

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Author's POV
Milli decided to move in Korea to pursue her college degree which is to become a successful Doctor. She's moving alone because her family can't accompany her because it would be too expensive and they also have their own lives to live with. Luckily, her parent's friend offered her to stay with them which she agreed because she knows them too since that family used to live in US before. So, going back to the story....

Your POV
I am currently in Incheon Airport waiting for my auntie and uncle to come pick me up. As I was searching for those who are waiting in the arrival area, I spotted a cute couple who is holding a banner "Welcome Back Kang Milli! We miss you!" I run to them and greeted them.

"Auntie! Uncle!" I beamed as I hugged them

"Ommo. Our daughter grew up so fast.." Auntie said (Well, they treat Milli as a family soo....)

"How are you my daughter? It's been 4 years!" Uncle said

"I'm great. I missed you both Auntie and Uncle."

"Call us eomeoni and abeoji from now on okay? We are your family and you're staying with us for now.." Auntie said

"Ne Eomeoni" I said as I smiled at them and we soon left the airport.
The car ride was actually full of laughter. We talked about lots of things including our memories before. We also talked about their son, Changkyun, my childhood best friend. We were so close before that we end up being together everyday. We eat and sleep together until we become high school students but unfortunately, they moved out because Abeoji needs to go back to Korea to handle his business in here so we kinda lose contact.

We arrived at exactly 6 pm and they both gave me a tour to their house and they also gave me my own room which I was surprised because I was expecting that I would be sleeping like in a guest room but instead, I do have my own room.

I unpacked my luggage as I placed my clothes into the drawer. After fixing my things, I laid on my bed and tiredness consumed me as I fell asleep.
I woke up due to the sound of someone knocking on the door.

"Milli, come on go downstairs. Let's eat dinner." Eomeoni said

"Ne, eomma." I answered as I get up from the bed and fixed my dress.

I went downstairs and was shocked because the dining table was so full of Korean dishes which I missed because they were the only ones who is cooking those type of dishes when I was in US.

"Ommo. are we having a feast?" I said

"Of course my dear! We are welcoming you! and also, Changkyun is going home together with his friends!"

Hearing his name makes my heart beat fast cause actually, he's my first love and thinking that we will meet again makes me feel giddy because I don't know what to react and I'm kinda nervous because what if he doesn't remember me anymore... My thoughts were interrupted by a doorbell which obviously means that he's here with his friends.

"My sons are here!" Abeoji announced as he opens the front door. I stood up welcoming the visitors. Damn, I didn't know that there will be like 7 hot guys entering this holy house and I was kinda thankful that my outfit is on point. I thought

"Come inside my sons.." Eomeoni ushered the 7 males and I stood there awkwardly bowing because I don't know what to do so you knoowww.....

"Milli?" Someone called me so I looked up to meet the eyes of my first love, Changkyun

I smiled at him as he was still wearing that shocked face.

"Hi?" I said awkwardly

We just stared at each other and he is still shocked and I don't know what to do so I just stood there awkwardly but fortunately, his parents noticed the tension and immediately broke it off by dragging me out of Changkyun's sight and introduced me to his friends.
The dinner was not that too awkward because Changkyun's friends are so funny especially the Jooheon guy (Sorry, authornim really likes Jooheon) They are so funny that I kept on laughing and they are so handsome. But during the dinner, I kinda feel that someone's staring right at me and I can see via my peripheral vision that it was Changkyun. I don't know why he seemed so shocked to see me. Doesn't he want me here? I thought. My thoughts were interrupted by Wonho, my seatmate. Well, I find this guy really interesting that we end up talking the whole dinner because we kinda have some similarities like we both love ramyun, and we also want to enter the same school since he also likes to be a doctor someday. We also both like to drink coffee.
After the dinner, I went straight to my room and took a bath. After doing so, I went straight to my study table as I plugged in my blower and was about to dry my hair when someone knocked into my room. I stopped and opened the door surprised to see Changkyun.

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