Punishment {Minghao-Seventeen}

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Its already 10 pm and my group and I are currently practicing for our dance performance on our upcoming fan sign event. Heavy sighs and pants can be heard within the four walls and all of us are covered into sweats as we kept on practicing since 6 in the morning.

"Guys, let's just stop for today." I, as the leader said as I turned off the music

"You guys did a good job. Go back to the dorm and take a rest, okay?" I continued as I stood up

"Where are you going?" One of my members asked

"I'm just going outside to stroll" I informed as I went outside and went straight to the park to loosen up and to relieve my stress from working. I sat on the unoccupied swing. Time passed by when I suddenly felt someone occupied the swing next to mine

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" He asked

"I'm just worried and stressed." I sighed

"Aigooo. Just take a rest will you. You're always keeping all the burdens into your shoulders." He lectured

"Its because I'm the leader. I'm supposed to help and guide my members but I guess I'm failing. I am also worried what if no one comes to our event? What if the fans will be disappointed?" I said

"Yah! stop worrying about those things. You guys are good performers and it is impossible for no one to come to your event! " He cheered

"I am your fan! I will surely come to your fansign event and will cheer for you guys especially you, since you're my favorite member."

"Aigoo. I'm just your favorite because I'm your friend" I replied

"No! Its not like that! You're my favorite because you're talented and cute!" He exclaimed as he pinched my cheeks


"Hehe. Mianhae. It's just that you are so cute and irresistable and I can't stop myself." He confessed

"W-what?" I asked as I blushed because of what he said

"Nothing!" He answered and awkwardly rubbed his neck. I secretly took a glance at him and saw him slowly getting shy and awkward. His cheeks are slowly turning red as tomatoes. Cute. I thought

"I need to go. I-I'm just going to see you tomorrow on your fansign event." He awkwardly said

"Okay. See you there Minghao and thank you." I smiled at him

"Y-yeah. Okay." He said and waved me a goodbye

Minghao's POV
I am now here at the venue where Y/N's fansign event will be held. I nervously held their album into my hands and sat on the 3rd row front seat. I keep on tapping my foot and biting my lip, feeling nervous and I don't even know why. She's my friend but everytime I see her, my heart just can't stop beating crazily that its getting painful.She is always in my mind, when I woke up, before I sleep, when I'm watching TV, when I am at school, when I am alone, when I am taking a bath and etc. Im just literally crazy about her. Im literally whipped.
The event soon started


Minghao was already done asking for Y/N and her group's autograph. He told Y/N that he is going to take her out to celebrate for the success of the event, which she immediately agreed.
Y/N can't wait to finish the event as she was so excited to hang out with Minghao. While she was waiting for the next fan to ask for her signature, something suddenly gained her attention. she suddenly caught Minghao, together with a fangirl talking. At first she didn't mind but as time goes by, they become so close as they keep on laughing throughout the event. It seems like Minghao is enjoying because she haven't seen him smile like that when she was with him. It made her more infuriated when the girl started initiating some skinships such as holding his thigh and touching his shoulders. She wouldn't be mad at him for it is obvious that the girl was the one flirting but the fact that he doesn't even resist nor stop the girl made her think that he is somewhat enjoying it. She felt really mad to the both of them. She thought that Minghao just went to the event just to flirt with other girls. She just want to finish the event and approach them and give them both a smack on their head and pull the girl's hair and drag her outside but considering that she's an idol and it will ruin her career, she didn't have the guts to do so. She just silently glared while cursing at them and mentally killing them.
When the fansign event ended, Y/N immediately left the place and didn't bother to look for Minghao. She doesn't want to see him nor hangout with him for the mean time for she knows that if she saw him, she will literally shout and rant at him.

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