Jeonghan's Baby - {Jeonghan - SVT}

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Author's POV
For the past week, Y/N's has been so busy with her studies since there will be an upcoming exam. Today is the last day where she can study since tomorrow will be the big day. Being a very goal-oriented person, Y/N put all of her time studying which caused her to neglect some of the things she usually do especially, replying/answering to his boyfriend's texts and calls.

Jeonghan's POV
Y/N has been busy these days. Maybe because of her upcoming exams. I decided to visit her on her house, knowing that she's alone and she's probably studying too hard.

Knowing that she won't answer her phone and won't bother to open the front door, I immediately climbed up the tree near her room's window and knocked multiple times. Soon after, the window was opened and I immediately went inside.

"Oppa, what are you doing here?"

"It seems like my baby is busy" I said, ignoring her question as I scanned her room. Her desk are full of books.

"Tomorrow is my exam and I need to study to get a high grade."

"Aigoo. Even if you don't study, you'll still get a high grade" I said as I patted her head. Its true tho. She's the smartest in her class and I know that she can do it. She's just overthinking.

"But still I need to study." She whined

"Okay okay.. I get it." I gave up and laid down on her bed. She just looked at me and sighed before going back to her desk and started studying. I decided to wait for her to finish but being a sleepy head, I suddenly fell asleep.

I woke up still seeing Y/N on her study table, studying her ass off. I sighed feeling invinsible. She didn't even bother to join me sleeping. I mean, sleeping is life and sleeping beside me is a once in a lifetime offer. I stood up, trying to gain her attention but failed. I then faked a cough to make her look at me. Fortunately, that caught her attention. She just stared at me

"I'm going." I said, kind of mad at her for not giving me some attention. She just nodded at me and mumbled a sorry. I heave a sigh, disappointed. She can make me stay but she chose not too. I guess she doesn't want me here so I better get going.

I was about to go but then I noticed that there's a blood coming out on her nose. I guess she noticed it as she slowly placed her hand on her nose then looked at it. I immediately grabbed her and let her seat on the chair. I made her sit up straight and tilt her head slightly forward. I then used my thumb and forefinger to firmly pinch the soft part of her nose to stop it from bleeding. I then started nagging at her

"I told you not to stress yourself too much. Look what happened!" I yelled at her which startled her as she slowly looked down

"Don't look down or else it won't stop" I demanded which she immediately obeyed.

There was a moment of silence before I started talking again.

"Just wait here. I'll get some ice pack." She just nodded.

I went back, seeing her staying on the the same position as how I left her. I approached her and placed the ice pack on her cheeks and nose.

We waited for a good 10 minutes before I remove the ice pack. I checked if her nose is still bleeding and luckily, it already stopped.

"Are you okay now?" I asked her gently as she muttered a yes.

"You should take a rest first. You shouldn't overwork yourself too much. Its not good for your health."

"But..." before she could finish, I shushed her.

"Whose baby are you?" I asked her

"Jeonghan oppa's baby" she replied

"Good. Since you're my baby, you should listen to me okay? Just take a rest." I said as I made her lie down on her bed and I also laid beside her. I placed my arm on her waist and pulled her closer as my other arm held her on the back of her head, embracing her.

"You should sleep. Its already late." I demanded

"But I need to study." She complained

"Whose baby are you?" I asked her

"Are you seriously going to ask me that question?" She whined

"Just answer my question. Whose baby are you?"

"Jeonghan oppa's baby"she reluctantly said which made me smile.

"Good.Now go to sleep." I demanded and hugged her tighter. I forced her to sleep knowing that she's a hard-headed girl, its the only way to stop her from studying and make her rest.
She would surely obey me. She's my baby after all.

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