Fall in Love - {Leo - Vixx}

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Requested by @ivy_yoon95 

Author's POV

Sooyeon and Leo is one among the celebrity couples in the kpop industry but because of bashful netizens, they have to make it a secret in order to avoid criticisms and backlashes among fans. Being idols, it's quite hard for them to go out and have a date just like the ordinary couples. Both of them only meet during breaks and if fortunate, they also meet in music shows when they have same comeback date or if they are attending a music awards.

MAMA Awards is coming and both groups are too busy practicing for their special performances making the couple miss each other more. Despite their busy schedules, they still try to communicate by calling or texting one another before they go to sleep. It is hard but its worth it.

Sooyeon's POV
Heavy panting can be heard from the dance room as we finished practicing our performance for MAMA awards later at 6pm. Currently, it's already 2am and we need to atleast have a good rest before going to the venue. Me and my group parted ways since we have different dorms. I am packing my stuffs when my phone suddenly rang, it was Leo.


"where are you?" He asked

"I'm in the company, on my way to my dorm. Why?"

"Go outside"


"I'm waiting" he said and hung up on me. rude. 

I hurriedly packed my things and went outside only to meet him, leaning on his car. He's wearing a long winter jacket with a black sweater inside. He has a scarf around his neck to keep him warm. As soon as I saw him, a smile crept over my lips, feeling happy to see him but I guess we have different feelings since as soon as he saw me, he immediately gave me a frown.

"What are you wearing?" He asked as he observed my outfit from head to toe. I'm basically wearing a black shirt, winter jacket, and a jogger pants.  

"Uhmm,, clothes?" I stupidly answered 

"Pabo. I know you're wearing clothes but why is it so thin?" He said and slowly unwrapped his scarf and placed it on me. 

"It's too cold. You need this to keep you warm. I can't afford to see you sick." He said which made my heart flutter. Even though he looks cold outside, he's actually warm and caring. He's just shy to admit it. 

Instead of saying a "thank you", I quickly pecked his lips and hurriedly went inside his car. I saw him let out a small chuckle before heading to the car. He brought me to my dorm.

As soon as we arrived, 

"Take a rest, okay?" Leo said. Reminding me to relax and not to be stress for tonight's music  awards.

"It's your 50th time telling me that." I replied, somehow touched by how overprotective Leo is. 

"It's because I know you're hard-headed." Leo said which made me pout. I'm not that hard-headed. 

"Go inside now. It's already 4am. You need to sleep." Leo said and opened the car for me.

"arrasseo. See you later oppa." I answered and bid  goodbye and went inside my dorm to relax. 



It was now the most awaited awards night for all the artists. Sooyeon felt really uncomfortable as she was really nervous for tonight's performance. She thinks that she might make a mistake so she keeps on practicing her lines and her moves. While doing so, she suddenly received a text from her boyfriend. 

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