Bullied {Jun - Seventeen}

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I am walking on the corridor, tightly clutching onto my books as I can hear people giggling at me. I can also see some girls and boys glaring at me. Well, I'm already used to it. I'm already used to people calling me names and spreading unbelievable rumors about me. Everything started when I used to date the Kingka, Seungcheol.

We used to be a lovely couple that everyone admires, until a certain rumor ruined our relationship. There was someone who spread rumors about me, cheating on Seungcheol with a certain guy name Sungjae. I didn't even know who he is so I told Seungcheol to ask Sungjae about the issue so that I can prove that I am innocent, but I guess fate is not with me for Sungjae told Seungcheol that I seduced him and flirted with him, not knowing I was taken. Of Course, Seungcheol chose to believe him and left me. I was devastated. He is my first boyfriend but because of rumors, we ended our relationship not in good terms. He hated me for cheating on him. I begged, but he didn't believe me. He then started the bullying. He threw me some harshful words that I didn't believe he can actually do. I never imagined him doing this to me. Just because of a rumor, he decided to treat me like a trash.

Soon after, students bullied me also. Calling me names such as slut, stupid, whore, and every mean word they could think of. Some guys even tried to play with me and harass me and no one even bothered to help me, including Seungcheol.

I walked inside my classroom and approached my seat only to see my table full of vandalism as usual, containing words to insult me. I chose to ignore it. You may wonder why I didn't bother to tell the authorities. It is because I am just a scholar in here. My classmates and other students are all rich and their parents are really powerful. Everything is possible with money, and me being a driver's daughter can't help with it. Of Course, the authorities will prioritize those who can offer them money and such reputation rather than helping a poor student, expecting nothing in return. Society is so cruel that they turned out to be slaves just for the sake of money and I should be used to it.

The teacher then arrived, distracting me from my thoughts.



I am on my way to the canteen when suddenly, people started giving way. What is wrong with them? I thought. I decided to ignore them and continue walking in the aisle, people started giggling and moving out of my way. I didn't bother to look at them for I am already used to it. I continued walking when suddenly, i felt someone threw me an egg. I stood there, not moving. Students then started to throw me their food. They throw me eggs, milk, rice, beans, everything. I know I look pitiful and I smell disgusting but I can't do anything but let them be. I clenched my fist, stopping myself to scream at them because I know, it won't change anything. My legs gave up, I ended up crouching down, with tears threatening to fall. I sat there silently. All I can hear is that people laughing at how pitiful I am. I looked down, hoping that it would eventually stop when I suddenly notice a pair of shoes in front of me. I looked up and saw Seungcheol, smirking.

"How does it feel, Y/N?" He mocked as I looked at him full of hatred

He bent down, facing me as he held my chin and forced me to look at him closely.

"You deserve it, slut." He said and harshly pushed me. Gathering all my courage, I looked at him

"You're so stupid!" I shouted at him which made the crowd went silent. He widen his eyes, not believing that I just talked back at him

"What did you say?" He threatened

"You are so stupid to believe those rumors!" I shouted back which made him infuriated. He approached me and was about to slap me when someone suddenly pushed him and throw him a punch.

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