Love, Music, And Heartbreak.

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Hi, My name is Scarlet Massacre. I play in band called Guns with a Mind. I dress in all black and band shirts. I hate skirts and dresses! My dad has abused me when I was little but Ive only told one person Bret Von Dehl lead singer of The Relapse Symphony. I have blue eyes rimmed with silver and its my trademark and someone can recognize me a mile away. I have dark red hair cut into a sweep. My mom died when I was 3. Oh and one more thing I cut......

********The day it began*******

I was in my apartment with my roommate/band mate Crystal. She has been my best friend forever! Besides Bret. I wouldn't call him a friend really we dated and he cheated and he left with his family to Washington D.C. when we were in highschool.

See we live close to Washington D.C. we are close to the border but me and my band live in Virginia. Only Crystal knows about my past everything but my father. She knows what happened between me and Bret and she comforted me. The reason he left was he went with his dad when his mom and Dad divorced. Her mom stayed here.

You could say my life sucks. I cut to the point that my arms are covered in scars. Ive tried to commit suicide 2 times since Bret left. He cheated. He left. He left me with my dad. I thought he cared.

Bret always complimented me on my eyes. He could tell who i was just by walking down the street.

But today, today Crystal wanted to go to The Relapse Symphony concert. I tried to talk her out of it but she wants me to come. I swore that when Bret left I would never ever speak to him ever again.

I dont have to though i have bought violet colored contacts for my eyes for the concert. Ive covered my scars with makeup and Ive done my makeup darker. I was ready for the concert. Me and Crystal got into her car and we drove over the border to Washington D.C.

We soon arrived at the concert and I was trying not to get recognized by anyone. The Relapse Symphony was the only band playing tonight. So Crystal and I had a good time. I hated Bret for what he did but he still can write good music.

Then Crystal just had to meet Tyler. So I went with her. We went to their merch table. I stood next to Crystal as she talked to them and I just tried to avoid eye contact.

Bret then tapped my shoulder.

I turned around slowly.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Oh nothing just wondering if you enjoyed the show." Yeah right he just wants to get into my pants like he does with everyone.

"It was good i had fun."

"Good so do you play in a band?"

"Yeah uh i sing in a band called Guns With A Mind."

"Rad name."


"You look familiar."

"I dont know why we havent met."

"I know just those eyes with the silver." Damn its showing through!

"Whats your name?" He asked.

"Uhh Carrie."

"Oh thats a bea-."

"Hey Scarlet ready to go?" I closed my eyes in defeat knowing he has caught on.

"Scarlet, Crystal?" Is that really you?"

"Well time to go!" I grabbed Crystal by the arm and dragged her through the crowd. Bret was chasing us of course. We got into the car and Bret was banging on my window. I gave him a sad look and we drove off.

I cried in my seat as Crystal drove. We stopped to get some food and went home. I got my food and locked myself in my room. I washed all the makeup off and took the contacts out. I sat by my bed and pulled out my little box. I took off the lid and rummaged through.

I found the little pic i had of me and Bret. I looked at it and tears streamed my face. I threw it to the side and took out my blade and sliced my arm more.

Blood beamed from my skin and I felt the pain go away slowly. I washed the blade and put the picture and blade back in the box and shoved it under my bed. I wrapped my arm in gauze and went to bed. I never ever wanna see Bret ever again.


Well its up the new series ! You know you love me for giving you all more to read lol.

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