Life And Death

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I woke up the next morning and Jace was staring at me.

"Morning little bunny." He said.

"Morning weird bunny." I replied and yawned.

"Today determines our lives."

"I know we need to make it the best performance we have ever done."

"Ill call the people and see if they will let us come in and practice for awhile."

He got up and went outside the room to call because Shade was still asleep. I snuggled into the bed and heard the door creak open.

"What did they say?"

"What did who say?" Bret said as he came to sit where Jace was.

"Jace went to go see if me and my band can go in early and practice."


"Yeah what do you need?"

"Its still bothering me on how you forgave me like that considering I said I loved you yet didnt tell you about Lexus and then when I cheated on you those years ago."

"I cant hate you forever Bret you were my first real love and you hurt me and thats natural and I was very upset about it but doesnt mean ill never get over it and you said you were sorry and I accepted your apology."

Bret still looked uneasy about it.

"Hey they said we get 2 hours of practice. Is he bothering you?" Jace said coming back in.

"No hes not we made up and good you wake up JC and Tristan and Crystal and Ill get Shade."

Jace left and as if by que Crow waltzes in and jumps on Shade and scares Shade and flings Crow off.

"Crow come here my little baby." I said and Crow jumped on me and snuggled into my side.

"Shade wont hurt you anymore I promise." I said and Shade rolled his eyes and Bret laughed.

"Go wake up Andy, Crow." I sat Crow on the ground and he darted out towards Andy's room.

"You really like cats dont you?" Bret asked.

"Yeah I guess."

"Well we better be getting ready."

"Yeah." I replied and Bret left to get ready.

I got some clothes and makeup and hair dryer and brush and shampoo and my straightener and went in the bathroom. I flipped on Sick Of It By Skillet and sang along for practice. I showered and dried my hair.

Once I got dressed and put my makeup on and fixed my hair I came out and Jace darted in. I went downstairs and smelled coffee.

"You know Andy I can make my own coffee." I smiled as I entered the kitchen.

"I know I was just done before all of you thanks to Crow."

"Yeah Crow scared Shade shitless this morning."

"Yup thats Crow." He said laughing.

I adjusted my Asking Alexandria shirt and sat down and sipped my coffee.

"So what songs you singing today?"

"Umm Suicide Letter definitely....uh the one from our music video Daggers and Knives and Dont Look Back."

"Nice." He said.

I then got a phone call.

Unknown Number...huh


"Yeah is this Scarlet Monroe?"

Wait how did this person know my real last name.

"Who is this?"

"This is Scarlet Monroe's old friend Alyssa and Kennedy." I heard a second girl say hi.

"Ally, Ken?! Is that you both?!"

"Yup. Hey Scar."

"Hey dudes! By the way its Massacre now not Monroe I changed it."

"We missed you so much! Where are you!"

"In California right now for a record label audition."

"You fufilled your dreams!"

"Yeah well not fully yet."

"Yeah we we are moving back to Virginia and we are getting an apartment."

"Well I still live in Virginia and the apartment next door is up for sale."

"Awesome hey we will call you later!" We hung up. Crystal came down and I told her and she got all excited.

Soon the band and Bret and JC were ready so we got in Andy's car and Ash came over and helped transport us.

I was sooo excited.

When we got there we checked in and went to the room we would perform for them in and the instruments were set up but we brought our own guitars and bass.

I got the mic and we took our places and rehearsed over and over to the point Bret went and got me a bottle of water cause my throat was dry.

Soon the critics came in and asked Andy and JC and Bret and Ash to step out into the hall. I gulped and they said we could start and we started with Suicide Letter.

We soon started and finished Daggers and Knives and then came Dont Look Back.

I couldt tell if the critics liked it or not and it killed me.

" Stay in town for 3 more days and we will give you a answer." We nodded and went out and saw Ash and Andy talking to someone.

Semi blonde hair....ripped jeans...spider bites....Oh my fuck it was Ben Bruce.

My eyes went wide and tried not to get noticed. I failed cause Andy called me and my band over....Shit.

"Hey Im Ben Bruce." He said in his hot british accent .

My band introduced themselves.

Except me.

"And this is Scarlet Massacre...shes shy."

"Well I can fix that." He pulled me in a hug and I froze.

Holy Shit too many bands ive met this week!

"Why are you here? I thought you lived in New Jersey with your fiancé." I said.

"Well i had to finish some things on the From Death To Destiny album we are working on."

We talked some more and we all went out to get something to eat. Then went to our homes.

We had some beers at Andy's and then went to bed.

Please let us make it!


Will they make it? Lets see Stay tuned.

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