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I've lost count how long I've been here. I know its been over a year.  I'm glad i still even know my name. I nibbled my celery slowly savoring it. If I get out of here I'm never eating celery again.  I laid at the bottom of my so called cell unable to hardly moved i was sore. I've been raped at least a dozen times by Trey. That dick at least as the sense to use protection. Sierra is still a bitch and i still call her out on it every other day.  She spit at me. Kicks me. Whips me.  Breaks me. My wrist is fractured and I'm sure my ribs are cracked. Trey is her puppet. Only reason hes in this is because he gets free sex from me and Sierra. Fucking whore would open her legs for a cloud if it was possible.

My ankle has been rubbed raw from my cuff they use to keep me in my cell.  I've tried screaming and yelling but it doesn't work. Fear makes it worse. I hope my band is ok. Bret. I hope hes ok too.  I miss them all terribly. I'm sure Andy is sad about it but he has probably been busy with his band. Last time I heard they were working on BvB IV.

I heard heels clicking and then the door opened to reveal that bitch. She uncuffed my ankle and had trey drag me out into a new room they introduced few months ago. Torture room. They would slash my wrists and burn me even. Anything til i would pass out. They tied me up in the chair and would strap me down to it.  I opened my eyes watching Sierra pick her tool. I started to laugh evil. She turned around and slapped me in the face and i just smiled as she turned back around to pick her tool. She turned back and a razor was in her hand freshly sharpened.

She walked close to me and smiled as she made cuts onto my wrists and I flinched some.  She laughed as she continued to do it to my thighs and legs.

"You're such an emo fat ugly whore." I rolled my eyes at her.

"At least I had a life!" I spat.

"Please. They pitied you. Your band has a new singer! They never cared." That took me off guard...they did? They replaced me? Oh....

"Oh did the little whore not know that? Did that break your little emo heart?"

I gritted my teeth and jumped in chair.

"Calm the fuck down." She placed the razor at my throat. I stopped and sat there and she took the razor away.

"Thats what I fucking thought."

Suddenly I heard police sirens pass the building and I closed my eyes hoping to God it was going here. Sierra stood silent waiting. The sirens were distant soon and she smiled as she started to burn my breasts and stomach and legs. Suddenly the door slams open and i see the swat team poor in. First they secure Sierra and Trey and they let the paramedics put me on a stretcher. I was finally found. Finally I get to go home. Bret baby I'm coming home.

***************Brets POV************

Its been little over a year since we discovered Scar was killed. I bet anything it was Sierra. I'm dating Rayna and have been for a year tomorrow which is when I'm going to propose. I miss Scar but I have to get over her. Shes gone. Cremated. Spread at the Springmaid Pier in South Carolina Myrtle Beach. The funeral was terrible. Cassie had her kid and named her Scarlet Rose after Scar. I havent seen them in forever because that name...

Her band got a new temporary singer. Just for tours and stuff. The label required it for now. Cody is still single but Alyssa is engaged to a guy named Dean. Crystal has a new boyfriend named Sam and they are pretty close. Last I heard Tristen had a new boyfriend named Clash I believe. Shade is gonna be like Ashley Purdy.

I sat in my room and looked at the ring I had bought to propose to Rayna with. Maybe Im rushing this... no. I love her. Just not as much as Scar. But shes gone. Scar's father has a new girlfriend as well. Jace and Cassie got married and it was beautiful. They honored Scar at it.

Tomorrow is the day.

************Scars POV**********

"Ma'am can you speak!?" The paramedic asked as they rushed me to the truck.

"Yes!" I choked out.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Scarlet Massacre!" I choked out again.

"Scarlet you're gonna be fine. We are taking you to the hospital to get you checked out."

"Phone." I choked out.

"Ma'am you can contact your loved ones after you're checked at the hospital." I sighed. The ride there felt like forever. Like I predicted I have cracked ribs and fractured wrist. They put my wrist in a cast and put a brace around my ribs and hooked me on pain medicine. They examined and took pictures of the whip marks and cuts and burns as evidence and did a rape test. I didn't mind. I wanted those two to burn in hell. After they settled me into my room a nurse came in.

"Ma'am is there anyone you would like me to contact for you?"

"Got a pen and a pad of paper because there are a few." She nodded and pulled it from her cart.

"Whats the date?" I asked as I wrote down Brets number and Cassie and Crystal and Andys.

"June 1st."

"Holy Fuck!" I screamed.


"I was taken over a year and a half ago!?" I asked and screamed.

"I am so sorry to hear that." She spoke and took the paper and went to go call. I spoke to the police who also went to go investigate the scene and compare it with a Jane Doe they found and mistaken for me. Bret thought I was dead...


She finally got found!!!!!

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