The Meeting

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Cassie had called my Father and told him that I was going to meet him at the house with Bret. He sounded excited which I was not used to at all so of course it freaked me the fuck out. I was dressed in a black tank top with Andy Black on it and a black skirt with black leggings and combat boots.

I was so nervous that I couldnt even drive. Bret did . He remembered where I lived suprisingly enough. we pulled into the driveway to a place I promised I'd never go back to. My own personal hell. Bret took my hand and rubbed the pad of hsi thumb over my knuckles.

"You dont have to do this." Bret said looking at me. I shook my head

"Yes I do."

"You're my brave solider." He kissed my lips gently and got out of the car and came and opened my door like a gentleman and he took my hand in  his and we walked up to the door in silence.

"Are you sure?" Bret asks and I slowly nod. Bret reaches up slowly and knocks on the door three times. I held my breath as I saw the knob turn seconds after the knocks. The door opened and I closed my eyes bracing myself half expecting to be waved with alcoholic smells. But no I wasnt. I opened my eyes to be met with my Father.

His eyes lightened up when he saw us.   He smiled big and moved to the side so we could come in. Bret clutched my hand tightly and I slowly followed him, Bret led me to the couch where we sat and he was the one next to my father who had sat in the tan lounger. I looked around carefully and memories flooded my head. The first time I cut...the first time he yelled at me....the first time i was abused...everything.

I took a deep breath and I squezzed Bret's hand and he kissed my forehead.

"Wow. If i didn't know you were coming I would have thought you were your Mother's ghost." He said smiling softly over at us both. I kept to myself.

"So Bret I trust that you have been protecting my daughter through all this. When I had my meltdown years to now."

"Yes and no sir. We were seperated for a horrid 4 years. we just recently this year got back together."

"I heard you Scar on the radio the other day. And Bret as well. You two made it to the big time didn't you." He looked at me and I kept quiet. He sighed and looked down.

"Look I know what I've done. I know I treated my only daughter horribly. And for that I am extremely sorry." 

"If you hated me so much why didn't you fucking give me up for adoption?" I piped up. That put the room into silence.

"You said you fucking hated me and wished I died instead of my mother. You said I was worthless, pathetic." I piped up again. i was gonna get some damn fucking answers if he wanted to talk small talk.

He sighed and answered. "I didn't hate you. i was under the influence."

"Bullshit! Being drunk does not fucking excuse what you did to me! Did you know when you fucking raped me I got pregnant!?! Bret was fucking there for me! I got in a car crash and lost it! I would have done abortion but that wasnt fair to the baby! You ruined my life!" By now I had stood and I was yelling at him. Bret stood and pulled me down to sit again.

"I know. I know. i don't expect you to forgive me ever again. I wouldnt be surprised if when you left here you never talked to me again. I never hated you. That was the drugs talking. I loved you. You were just an image of your mother as you grew and it tore me to pieces."

"I need to leave." I said rising from the couch and I stormed out of the house quickly.
 I got into the car and waited in there. Bret followed soon out the door but then my Father grabbed his shoulder. Bret turned to face him and my father said something to him. Bret nodded and said something back and walked out of the house and got in the car.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" Bret asked as we drove off. I nodded slowly and pulled my knees to my chest. Bret took my hand in his and kissed it and drove with the other hand.

"I love you." He said smiling

"I love you too." I managed to choke out.

"Listen you did great. You got some type of closure." I nodded.

We pulled into this chinese place and went in. We ordered and sat at our table and he held my hand across the table. Silence was slowly killing me.



"What did my Father say to you when you walked out the door."  I asked and looked up at him. He looked into my eyes and smiled faintly.

"He told me to protect you with my life."

"What did you say?"

"I told him 'I'd die for her sir. I'd do anything.'" I started to tear up and he smiled and reached over the table and kissed me. I kissed him back and our food came in. We ate silently and after he paid for the dinner and we went on our way back to his house. I fell asleep in the car and he carried me up the stairs and laid me in our bed. I opened my eyes a little and saw him take his shirt off. I softly giggled and he turned around and smiled.

"Hi sleepy head."

"Hi." He laid down next to me after stripping to his boxers and got under the covers. I lifted my head and laid it on his chest and he smiled and played with my hair.

"I love you Bret. With everything I got.'

"I love you more than you'll ever know Scar." Before i could protest sleep found its way to me and my eyes closed shut.

Oh what a day.


I am soooooooooooooooooo sorry I didn't update sooner. I've kinda been going through depression like everytime I had free time. But Im trying to be more positive I really am.

I Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!

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