Chapter 1

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Her legs, wide open. Her eyes, open with pleasure. Her hands, tightly beside her. Her entire body, simple and naked.

It's been an hour and I was sitting by the bed on the bedroom couch.

"Josh" she whispered.

I sipped from the cup of whiskey as I dazed out the window, shirtless.


"What?" I answered, my eyes remaining out the window.

"Are you going to touch me or not?"

I sighed, continuing to drink from my cup.

"Yes or no?" her voice began to deepen with frustration.

"It's been an hour Ruby. If I wanted to touch you, I would've an hour ago"

"Then why did you let me rest here naked?!"

I turned to face her as she stood up and began to dress. "It's been weeks Ruby"

"And every day it's the same damn thing" she groaned, rushing herself into her clothing. "We can't sleep together, you won't let me touch you in anyway and all you do is just touch me. What if I want to touch you, what if I want to sleep with you in the same damn bed and what if I don't want you touching me the way you do?"

"The way I do?"

She buckled her shirt and rolled her eyes "I let you whip me, tie me up, blind fold me and touch me anyway you want. Yet, I'm laying here in pain and I still can't touch you?"

I frowned, taking the rest of the cup in one whole sip before standing up. "Ruby. I told you the price of attending my nights. I don't like to be touched unless I allow you too"

"Then allow me to Josh!" She shook her head, laughing in pain. "Call me when you sort yourself out"

She slammed the door shut.

I took a deep breathe, running my fingers through my hair and walking around the room.
As I walked over to the bottle of whiskey and poured myself another cup, Nicolas walked in. "Josh"

"What is it?"

"There's a line of girl outside, waiting. When can we start the ordeal?"

"Just pick a few to work at my club" I said, turning to face him.

"Josh we-"

"I'm coming" I rolled my eyes "Give me a minute"

Nicolas left and I put my shirt on before following him. I made my way downstairs, to the front of the mansion.

Ahead of me was a line of maybe a hundred girls, all wanting to work at my club.
I straightened my suit and fixed my collar, standing by the door.

"Josh" Nicolas nodded.

"Do you expect me to introduce myself?" I raised an eyebrow. "Bring one up, one by one" I said, standing by the mansion door.

Nicolas called up each girl, one by one. Some looked rather flexible to work at a club and some looked too unenthusiastic. "Nicolas" I called.


"Am I wasting my time?" I said, continuing to scan each girl that approached.

"Maybe it's just what they're wearing. Don't just look at them, speak to them"

"Nicolas" I frowned "At our club, they look. They don't speak"

Nicolas sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, I'll call it off. I'll just advertise it in the papers or something tomorrow"

"Good" I nodded.

"Alright ladies, times up" Nicolas pointed at the gate, directing them out.

"Wait, wait!" a voice appeared amongst the girls.

I narrowed my eyes, looking at a short girl who walked out of the pack. "I didn't have my turn yet"

Nicolas looked back at me and waited for my response. "Come" I groaned her way.

She walked towards me, leaving the group of girls. "Nicolas, direct the rest out"

The girl stood in front of me. From my view she was about 5'2, short. Her eyes were as round as a puppies begging for a snack, her lips the size of the most wanted and her hair behind her ears, wet. "I'm Ella" she smiled weakly. "I need a job"

I rolled my eyes and scanned her body. Her clothes were torn apart and her skin pale and dirty. "Why should I hire you to work at my club?"

"Because I can-" she stopped, placing her hand on the side of her head as she almost collapsed to one side. "Because I can follow rules and I can communicate well" she said, her voice softer and weaker than before.

"Where are you from?" I said, standing in posture as I waited for her response.

"Somewhere" she said, looking behind her.

"Are you in a hurry?" I raised an eyebrow.

She scanned behind her once more before shaking her head "Not really"

"Where are you from?" I asked again.

She rubbed the side of her head as if she was slowly losing herself. She sighed lightly, moaning in light pain. "I answered that" she said.

"Are you drunk?"

"No" she said, placing her hands tightly on her stomach.

"You don't look well suited to work for me. Please, show yourself out"

"NO!" she raised her voice, almost losing her balance once more. "I mean, please. I require a job" she gulped.

I watched as she held her torn apart shirt tightly and applied pressure to her stomach. Her eyes struggling to stay open and her body struggling to stand straight. "Are you sure, you can work for me?" I frowned.

She nodded "Can I have the job now?"

I looked up and watched as Nicolas shut the gate behind the girl and looked around to see my guards standing around. I sighed, "Give Nicolas your details"

"Thank you" she whispered.

As I turned around and walked back inside, I felt a hand hit the back of my arm lightly. Behind me, stood Ella, the girl I had just spoken to. I frowned, slightly angry that she had probably attempted to hit me. "One more thing" she gasped.

As I frowned, tilting my head to one side she took a step towards me. "I need shelter"


Standing in front of the staircase, I watched as she lost her balance and collapsed on my mansion floor.

Nicolas walked in, followed by three of my guard, rushing to her aid.

"Nicolas" I groaned.

Nicolas looked up "Josh?"

"Why...why is there a homeless girl unconscious in the middle of my mansion floor?"


DONT WORRY I know this is boring but HEY, i'm working on the other chapter...SO DOUBLE UPDATE ALREADY !!

Mia x

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