Ella's Private Chapter

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"You can't keep doing this Carl" my mum argued with my dad as she cooked in the kitchen.

"What did you want me to do Em" dad flicked through the newspaper on the dinner table.

"We have a daughter!" she yelled as I watched them argue from a distance.

"And we're living a great life, I'm so close to this"

"Close to what?!" my mother slammed her hands onto the bench "You're giving up the clean money for dirty money, for what?" she gasped "To move into the millionaire world like everyone else?!"


"We have a massive house, a backyard pool, latests cars, latest technology attachments" My mother sighed "What else do you want, Carl?"

"I don't know"

"The money stashed in the roof, who are they for?" my mother asked, seriously.

"It's none of your business, Em"

"What are you getting yourself into?" she added.

"All I said was, quickly have breakfast and pack the bags. We're leaving"

"Where? Why?!"

"Pack the bags Em!"

"No!" my mother yelled, "Mariella" she called, rushing towards me, grabbing my hand. "Let's go to your room"

"Em!" Dad yelled.

"I'm not getting our 8-year-old daughter into your disgusting mess!" my mother yelled, forcing me as of so lightly dragging me up the stairs.


"Come here baby" she said, sitting on my bed beside me.

"Mum" I sighed "Why do you always argue?"

She sighed, hugging me lightly. "You dad is getting into something mother doesn't like"

"Like what?"

"Do you want to make pancakes tonight?" she asked, trying to change the subject.


We both gasped and I got interrupted once a loud bang went off.

My mother stood up and walked over towards my bedroom door. She looked back at me with a frown until another bang went off.

I gulped, having a terrible feeling about it.

"Where's the money?!" a loud, aggressive and manly voice met our ears.

"I don't have it!" My fathers voice was trembling in somewhat pain.

My mother's jaw dropped and she was quick to cover her mouth. She rushed back towards me and panted. "Quick Ella, quick" she grabbed me.


My mother forced me behind her, out of my room and down the stairs. Trying to reach the back door, we were stopped by a bang and a manly yell "STOP RIGHT THERE!"

My mother turned right around and I stood beside her. A bulky, tall man stood ahead of us with a gun pointed at my mother.

"Please" my mother gasped.

I noticed my dads shoes peek from the lounge room. He was on the ground, and all I could see was his knees and downwards.

What was he doing?

"Mother why is he pointing a gun at you?" I said, looking up at her. I thought it was the same gun Samir has next door. The one that shoots those orange stick looking things.

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